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The small room is full, there must be at least forty people eagerly waiting for him to arrive.  He is known as the best of the best at training those who train other adults. I can hardly believe that I finally was able to get into one of his exclusive sessions.  I have been training others for over twenty years and training trainers for over five.  This expert can help me improve what I already love to do.

I have never met him in person, but I have seen pictures.  If the pictures even come close to reality, I am going to have to work extra hard to focus on his words.  In images he is incredibly sexy and there is something captivating about him.  I shift in my seat as I feel my core grow damp in anticipation of being in the same room as him.  Down girl, I tell myself.

The murmuring stops and all eyes turn to him as he enters the room.  Oh my, the pictures did not do him justice!  He is spectacular!  Confidence and sex appeal radiates off him as he moves to the front of the room.  He begins the session, and the room is silent as they take in his words.  He warns us that it will be an interactive session since all of us should be comfortable with public speaking.

I watch his lips as he speaks, I bet that mouth would feel amazing on mine.  I bet it would feel amazing anywhere on my body.  I find myself watching his hands, they are well groomed but masculine and strong.  They are distracting me as I imagine how they would feel touching me.  I can imagine him arousing me as those hands stroke my body, as they squeeze my breasts.  The sleeves of his collared dress shirt are rolled up and my eyes take in his sensual forearms.  I nibble on my lower lip as I imagine those amazing arms holding me in position as his mouth sucks one of my nipples.

The woman next to me nudges her elbow into my arm and I come back to reality.  I look around and everyone is staring at me.  Oh no…he is looking directly at me.  I can feel my face turning red.  He must have asked me something, I clear my throat and say, “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

If my face gets any redder, I will probably glow in the dark.  His stunning eyes narrow as he replies, “I suggest you try better to stay with the rest of us.”

I muttered a quick, “Sorry.”

He keeps eye contact for one additional moment and then continues engaging others in the discussion.  I stay focused on the session and take copious notes for the rest of the morning.  When the lunch break comes, I am anxious to get some fresh air and maybe lose the lust brain this man seems to inspire in me.

I quickly leave the room and head to the closest doors that lead to an outdoor courtyard.  I find a concrete bench as far away from the building as possible.  As I sit, I scroll through my phone and read email.  Checking the time, I see that there is still forty-five minutes until the session will begin again.  Closing my eyes, I tip my head back to take in the sun.  I let my mind wander and enjoy the warmth on my face. 

A shadow moves across my closed eyelids.  I open my eyes.  Even though the sun is at his back and his features are in shadow, I know the outline of his body.  Of course, it is him.  I do not say anything as he stands just a few feet in front of me.  I moisten my suddenly dry lips with my tongue. 

He steps closer and asks, “Didn’t you sleep enough in class?”

I can feel my face redden again.  I stammer, “I wasn’t sleeping…I just…I…my eyes were open the entire time!”

He gives a soft chuckle, “They may have been open, but you were not paying attention.  Why?  Bored?”

“No!  Of course, not!”, I managed.

He moves even closer to me, “Then why did I lose you so quickly?”

I moistened my lips again and say, “I…um…I was…I was just…”

He says firmly, “Are you this eloquent when you teach?”

I am making a mess of this.  How is this getting out of control so quickly?  My pulse is racing.  I take a deep breath and say, “I was distracted.  I’m usually more professional, I promise.  I apologize.  Okay?”

“No.  Why were you distracted?”

He is not letting this go.  I once again attempt to add moisture my suddenly dry lips, “Can’t you just accept my apology, and we can move on?  It won’t happen again.”

I can see him shake his head, “No. Tell me why you were distracted.”

I blurt out, “You!”  I instantly clamp my hand over my mouth and stand up.  I am mortified.  I turn and take a step to leave.

His hand takes a gentle, but firm hold of my arm and stops my progress.  He guides me further away from the building.  Then he turns me to face him.  The sun is no longer behind him, so I can see his expression now.  He demands, “Explain what you mean. How was I a distraction?”

I take a breath and say, “Please don’t make me do this.  It’s embarrassing.”

Only one word leaves his lips, “Now.”

My words tumble out at his command, “I was um…fantasizing…about you.  I mean, look at you.  Oh, you know you’re attractive.  That’s what I was doing while you were speaking.  Like I said, I’m sorry.  Momentary lapse, it won’t happen again.  Please, let’s just forget it.”  I focus on his chest as I cannot bare to meet his eyes.  I cannot believe I just told him that I was fantasizing about him.  What is wrong with me?

He is quite for a moment and then says, “Are you staying in the hotel?”

That is not what I expected, “Yes.”

“After the session today, you will come to my room so we can finish this discussion.”

I quickly look up and meet his eyes, “What?”

His eyes drift to my lips and then return to meet my gaze, “You heard me.  Room 1712.”  He steps back and heads towards the entrance.  I start to call out to him, but I stop myself.  I think I have embarrassed myself enough for today.

I make it through the afternoon session without drawing his focus again.  I don’t even notice him glancing my way.  When he calls an end to the afternoon, several attendees head over to speak to him.  I gather my things and head out the door quickly.  In my room, which is several floors below his, I change into comfortable jeans and a t-shirt.  As I sit in a chair near the window and put on my strappy sandals, I wonder if I should go to his room.

What I should do is go and get some dinner.  My stomach has been complaining for an hour already.  Yes, that is what I am going to do.  He can’t order me to his room.  I don’t care how sexy he is.  Enough! I cannot believe I am having this debate with myself.  I need food.  Now.

I grab a sweater and my purse and head out of the room and take the elevator down.  When the elevator gets to the lobby, I step out and he is there.  I freeze.

He takes my arm and guides me back into the elevator.  As the doors close, he says, “I think you have the wrong floor.”  I watch him press the button for number seventeen.

I look up at him and manage, “I’m hungry…I didn’t eat lunch.”

His gaze roams my face, and he says, “We can order something from my room.”

My mouth opens to respond, but I do not know what I intend to say.  He wants me in his room.  If I do not want this, I need to decide right now.  He guided me into the elevator, but he did not force me.  If I don’t do this, I will always wonder what would have happened.  I am attracted to him and there could be worse things than spending an hour or two alone with him.

The elevator announces the floor, and he guides me out with his hand on the small of my back.  His touch is light, but I can feel the warmth of his hand through my shirt.  When we reach his room, he unlocks the door and again guides me before him with his hand on my back. 

His suite consists of a lounge area with a sofa that has a chaise on one end that faces a television, and a small dining or worktable with two chairs.  I can see through the door that the other room is obviously the bedroom.  I assume the bathroom is also through that door.  The window takes up the entire wall of the living area.

He hands me a leather bifold menu, “Tell me what you want, and I’ll call it in.”  Then he walks into the other room.  I place my sweater and purse on the coffee table and sit on the sofa.  I look at the menu and try not to think about what he is doing in the other room.

When he returns, he asks what I want and then quickly places the order.  He offers me a bottle of water, which I gladly accept since it will give me something to do with my hands.  He is still in his blue button-down, collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up.  He sits next to me on the sofa and places an arm along the back.  He just watches me and does not speak.

After a few minutes, I say, “Look, I really am sorry about earlier.  I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

There is a long pause before he speaks, “You don’t have to apologize anymore.  But I do want to hear specifics about this fantasy you had.”

My eyes widen in response.  I ask, “Why?”

“Why do I want to hear the specifics?” When he says that out loud, I realize it is a dumb question, but I need to stall somehow.  How can I possibly sit here and tell this man my fan-girl fantasies about him?

So, I say, “Yes.”

His smirk is so sexy, I can feel myself growing damp in response, “I have to hear the details that had you so engrossed that you didn’t hear me ask you a question, twice.”

I can feel my face blush at his words, “No!  Twice? Please tell me you’re joking!”

He laughs and replies, “It’s true.”

I place the bottle of water on the table and then let myself fall back against the couch. I cover my face with both hands.  After several breaths and drop my hands.  There is laughter in his eyes as he watches my reaction.

I shake my head and say, “I shouldn’t have come back after lunch.  That’s so embarrassing.”  I look at him and he still seems amused.  It is at my expense, but at least he does not seem angry with me.

“Tell me, please.” his tone is coaxing. 

I have already embarrassed myself, why not finish it?  “After all this build up, it might not be what you expect.”  I take a deep breath and continue. “Okay, so I’ve obviously seen your pictures.  I knew you’d be attractive.  But in person…well you’re…okay you know you’re hot.  Anyway, when I saw you today…well…I got distracted by your hands.”

He looks surprised, “My hands?”

I take a breath and continue, “And your arms.  They’re just so masculine and sexy.  I couldn’t help but imagine how they’d feel…well…on me.”  I can feel my face flush again, but I must get this over with.  “I thought about them touching me and then your mouth…well on me.  Anyway, I think that’s when I realized you were speaking to me.  And that’s it.  That’s as far it got.”  I let out a breath.

He is silent as he watches me with that damn smirk on his face.  I start to nibble on my bottom lip as the anticipation of what he is going to say next gets to me.  I practically jump out of the seat when there is a loud knock on the door.  I laugh as I hear, “Room Service.”

He gets up and as the food is set up, I grab my water bottle and take a large sip.  When we are alone again, I join him at the table.  The conversation through dinner is mostly him asking me about my work and experience.  A bit about where I am from and what I do for fun.  I try to ask him similar questions, but if feels insincere since we both know I have read his bio.

When we are finished eating, I stand and say, “Thanks for dinner. I should head back to my room.”

He stands and moves just a couple feet away from me, “Please stay. I have some more questions about your fantasy.”

“But I told you all of it!”

He makes a little humming sound and says, “No, I don’t think you did.  You were missing some important details.  Such as where my hands were touching you.”

I take in a sharp breath, “You’re making fun of me?”

He takes a step closer to me and I step back without thought, his voice softens, “Not at all.  I need a visual of exactly what my hands were doing. I want to know how you felt when you imagined me touching you.”

I can feel the rush of arousal at his words.  He steps closer again and I continue to back up.  He reaches out and holds my arm, “Careful, or you’ll back into the coffee table.”

I say, “If you would stop chasing me, I wouldn’t be backing up.”

That smirk is back, “Do you really want me to stop?”

An answer forms on my lips, but I pause.  What are we really talking about here?  Instead, I ask, “What do you want from me?”

He appears to be choosing his words carefully, then he speaks, “Do you want the truth?”

I take a breath and say, “Yes, please.  Just be direct.”

He looks almost relieved, “That I can do.  Do you want to sit?  Or are comfortable standing with the coffee table behind your knees?”

I look behind me and then say, “Um…I’ll sit.”  We both move to the couch and sit angled towards each other.

He starts, “As requested, I’ll be direct.  I want you.  Is that direct enough?” I can feel my pulse start to race and my breath quicken.  “I want my hands on you. I want my mouth on you.  I want to feel you come apart in my arms from my touch. I want to hear you cry out my name when I am buried deep inside of you.”

I inhale sharply at his words.  I know I should say something, but no words form on my lips.  Lips that are tingling in anticipation of all he is saying.

He leans in closer and asks, “Do you want that? I’m more than happen to seduce you, but I need to know this is what you want.”

My mind is racing.  Do I want him?  Hell Yes! Are there reasons I should leave now?  There probably are, I just can’t think of them right now.  I take a breath and say, “Yes, I want that…this…um you.”

He smiles and leans forward.  His hand cups the side of my face as he places his mouth on mine.  His lips are firm and soft at the same time.  He moves closer and deepens the kiss.  One hand is still on my face, the other hand holds on to my side just below my breast.  I place a hand on his shoulder and one flat on his chest.  I don’t want to push him away; I just want to feel him.

The kiss continues and the hand on my face moves into my hair.  His lips leave mine and trail kisses along my jaw and down my neck.  I move both my hands to the buttons of his shirt.  I want to feel more of his skin.  I begin unbuttoning his shirt as he continues to trail kisses along my neck.

When I have all the buttons undone, he leans back and then pulls us both up to standing.  He leads me into the bedroom where he removes his shirt and the undershirt he wears beneath.  As anxious as he is, I kick off my shoes and pull my t-shirt over my head.  His hands are on the closure of his slacks when he stops and looks at me in my bra.

He moves quickly to me and kisses me deeply.  He fills his hands with my breasts, gently kneading through the fragile material that covers them.  I run my hands along his arms and shoulders to the back of his neck.  He breaks the kiss, turns me around and unfastens my bra.  He slides the straps down my arms and lets it fall to the floor.

Standing behind me, he cups my breasts in his hands.  He lips return to the side of my neck.  He pinches gently at my nipples with his thumbs and forefingers.  A a soft whimper is my response.

I reach back grasping his neck and turn my head to find his lips.  Suddenly I am turned to face him.  His arms hold me so that my front presses against his firm chest.  I love the feeling of his body this close to mine.

When we break the kiss, I reach for his pants and undo the hook.  I pull his zipper down and glance up at him. He is so sexy, the desire in his eyes is overwhelming.  He takes over and removes his slacks.  I quickly remove my jeans.

We stand watching each other with me only my panties, and him is in his boxers.  I can clearly see the outline of his erect cock through the cotton.  His eyes are focused on the smooth material covering my mound.  I start to lift my hands to remove them, and he says, “Wait.  I want to take them off you.”

I smile, gesture to his boxers, and say, “Only if I get to take those off you.”

He grins and says, “Deal.”

I approach him and pull his boxers down his legs as I lower to my knees.  He steps out of them. Still kneeling in front of him, I take in his impressive length.  His smooth, defined tip makes me crave a taste.

I wrap my hand around him at the base and run my tongue along the firm ridge.  He lets out a rush of breath and I raise my eyes to meet his.  The heat there causes a flush of arousal in me.  I continue to use my tongue to stroke him.  When I have explored him to my satisfaction, I take the head into my mouth and gently suck and lick him. 

His taste is incredible.  His scent is intoxicating.  I cannot prevent a little moan as I take him deeper into my mouth.  His hands hold my head lightly, not taking control of my motions.  His fingers glide through my hair.  I continue to work him with my mouth, my lips, my tongue.  I can feel him growing even more firm in my mouth.

He lets out a moan and his fingers tighten slightly in my hair, “Let me taste you now.”

I look up at him again as he removes himself from my mouth.  I lick my lips as he helps me to my feet.  His mouth is immediately on mine, forcing me to allow his tongue entrance.  He guides me to the bed and urges me to lay on my back.  He joins me with his face close to the junction between my legs.  He positions me so that my knees are bent with my feet flat on the bed.

A whimper escapes me as he presses his open mouth against my core through the soft material of my panties.  I can feel his hot breath through the delicate material.  My wetness grows as I feel his tongue against my clit through the thin barrier.  I lift my hips a bit to try and get closer to his mouth.

His lips move to place kisses along the inside of my thighs as he strokes my center through the damp panties.  He is driving my arousal higher at a frustratingly slow pace.  I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from begging him to really touch me.

He runs a finger along the edge of my panties, next to my inner thigh.  My breathing speeds up as his finger dips below the material and finally touches my skin. My body squirms in response.

He whispered to me, “Easy, just let me touch you.”  His mouth continues to run kisses and gentle nips along my inner thighs.  His finger strokes my slit under my panties.

 “Please touch me, you’re driving me crazy.”

He lets out a soft laugh and says, “I am touching you.”

I let out a whimper and say, “More, please.”

He removes his hands and goes up on his knees.  He tugs at the sides of my panties and slides them off me.  Then he returns between my legs.  I can feel his fingers exploring my folds, he spreads the moisture and then places his mouth over my aching clit.  I cry out as he sucks it into his mouth and slides a finger into my core. 

The feeling of his finger inside of me and his mouth on my clit is incredible.  He curls his finger and presses against me in a way that causes me to get even wetter.  I am moaning and whimpering, not quite forming any coherent words.  He continues his ministrations. His free arm is wrapped around one of my thighs, holding me in place.  I can feel the hint of my orgasm approaching.

He works a second finger inside me and rubs my g-spot firmly, his mouth still on my clit.  I cannot hold back anymore, and I come hard and cry out his name.  My muscles pulse around his fingers.  He does not let up until my orgasm subsides.  Then he removes his fingers and licks at the moisture in my slit.  His tongue stabs into me as if to try and capture every drop.

My body is still trembling when he moves up and captures my lips.  I can taste myself on his tongue.  It just increases my arousal.  He moves down and takes a nipple into his mouth as I feel him lining up his cock at my core. I run my hands along the muscles of his arms that he is using to hold himself above me.

He lifts his head and watches my face as he pushes his cock into my pussy.  I let out another whimper as I feel him entering me.  My body stretches to accommodate his size.  He slides about halfway in, then pulls almost out and pushes forward deeper.  He feels so good inside me. It is like he is filling an emptiness that I did not know I had.  He pulls back, pauses, and then thrusts fully inside me.  I cry out.

He holds himself deeply inside me and slowly rotates his hips, grinding against me.  The feeling of him inside me is better than I could have imagined.  He leans forward and kisses me again.  Then he begins to thrust in and out of me in deep, long strokes. 

My hands hold on to his arms, my thighs cradle his hips as he continues his deep strokes.  He leans forward and takes the tip of a nipple into his mouth.  My back arches to give him better access.  He gives the same attention to the other nipple. 

The feeling of having him thrusting deeply inside of me, filling me, claiming me is incredible.  It truly is beyond anything that my mind could have conjured.  I want to tell him how good it feels, but all I can manage are a jumble of sounds that come out as moans.

He slowly pulls out of me, and a full whimper escapes my lips.  He sits up on his knees and turns me so that I am slightly on my side, he raises one of my legs and places it where my calf is over his shoulder.  Then he straddles my other thigh and slowly enters me fully.  It feels like he is going even deeper at this angle.  My breath catches and I released a soft moan. 

The words he says to me are filled with praise of how good I feel.  But I am having difficulty focusing as the pace of his thrusts increase. He continues to move in and out of me.  Each slide inside of me strokes point of pleasure that clear my mind of everything except how he feels.  I can feel the beginning of an orgasm rise in my core.  Some nonsensical part of me almost tries to fight the pending rush.  But I am unable to do anything except take the hard strokes of his cock, the position I am in allows me no respite. He reaches down and pinches one of my nipples.

I cannot hold back, “Fuck, I’m going to cum!”

He thrusts even harder and says, “Me too!  Come for me!”

I feel the rush of pleasure as my muscles contract around him.  Then he cries out, stiffens and I feel the pulses of his cum shooting inside of me.  My climax seems to drag on longer than usual. 

Eventually, my muscles slowly stop their spasms.  He gently pulls out of me and removes my trembling leg from his shoulder.  He lets himself fall on his back on the bed beside me.

Our heavy breathing fills the room.  In the afterglow of my orgasm, my eyelids grown heavy.  I think to myself that I can’t let myself fall asleep here.  That would be a walk of shame I certainly do not want to face in the morning.

I force myself to open my eyes and sit up.  He remains on the bed with his eyes closed.  I gather my clothes and go into the bathroom.  After I have cleaned up and dressed, I walk into the bedroom.  He is standing next to the bed in all his naked glory.

He lifts his eyebrows at me, “Going somewhere?”

I smile, “Yes, I need to get to my own room.  I don’t want a walk of shame before class tomorrow.”

He approaches me slowly and stops when he is standing immediately in front of me, “Who said I was done with you tonight?”  He leans forward and captures my lips in a gentle but coaxing kiss.

I push back and look up at him, “We both have an early morning.  I don’t want to get in trouble for not focusing on class again.”

His smirk causes a fluttering in my stomach.  What is it with this man?  How can he affect me so easily?  He pulls me in and kisses me again.  This time he deepens the kiss quickly.  My lips soften and open for his exploration.  I can feel my core growing wet again.  Even though my body feels used and the best kind of sore, I am still responding to him. 

He breaks the kiss, says “Dream of me.”  Then he steps back.  I sway a little and rub my lips together.

“Goodnight.” I manage, feeling a little drunk on him.

That damn smirk is back on his face, “Should I see you to your room?”

I look at his naked body, “I think hotel security may have a problem with that.  No, I’m fine, thanks.”

We say our goodbyes and I make my way to my room.  I have a feeling he will consume my thoughts before and during sleep today.

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Wow!!  This is amazing.  Your best story so far.  You should be a writer!  I’ll be buying your works.  May I get an autographed copy? 😁

Thanks for sharing.

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6 hours ago, Pleasure4U said:

Wow!!  This is amazing.  Your best story so far.  You should be a writer!  I’ll be buying your works.  May I get an autographed copy? 😁

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!  

I am pleased that you enjoyed it.  

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Awesome story as I’m becoming accustomed to from you. Your ending makes me believe a part Two is in the works.  Hopefully soon!

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35 minutes ago, 6981 said:

Awesome story as I’m becoming accustomed to from you. Your ending makes me believe a part Two is in the works.  Hopefully soon!

Thank you!  They may be a part 2. This one was getting a bit long. 

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3 hours ago, Lighthouses22 said:

I love your stories!!!  Very eroctic... Can't wait for part 2... The way you write your stories takes me right in the same room as them.  Amazing!!! 😊

Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the story. 😊

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6 hours ago, Arousedallthetime said:

Wow! That was wonderful!  I'm ready for chapter 2.

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

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On 3/2/2022 at 7:27 AM, sassnclass said:

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.


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