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Many of you may have followed an unusual post that was started by Likapus. It has come to our attention that Likapus was actually the same persona as Kinkyguy and Chickadee come back to torment our board once again. They have been banned.

Now there is another poster, Hogtied, who has begun to PM me and post unusual and aggressive posts on the board, which I have erased.

What I want to express is that there are some people who absolutely get off on making others miserable, this person is obviously one of these people. Please, PLEASE pay attention to posts that seem out of sorts or posters who seem unusually aggressive. Ignore them, don't waste time debating or arguing, cause that is what they want. If you suspect that someone is not being truthful or is egging us on here - report it to me, Howard or Rob.

This is a serious board, with serious questions and answers. It angers me personally to have people disgracing our good work in this way.

Please take heed!



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I just received a PM from a "studhoss" (kinda similar in name as hogtied, IMO), saying "stop the sale of sex to minors". Anyone else get that too?

Thankfully I haven't been the victim of any of the vulgarity, and am sorry to you for those who are.

I guess we should'nt be overly shocked that this happens from time to time, considering the nature of the forum. Sets people off sometimes. Those who are close-minded, and think they are higher than anyone else, should really find a better cause to harass than this board, IMO.

As far as stupid, foolish kids trying to play cool by posting BS topics, well, it's just sad. And they think that because this is the internet, and it's a "sex site" nobody will find them.

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Hey Tyger, Yes I have gotten a few of those from different names of the posters. Also I have been called things from the basic Bitch to things that are not only disgusting to horrible names. You know I guess what really just annoys me about people like this is, if you don't like the site then just leave, it is sad that alot of people in this world aren't happy unless the are trying to make other miserable. Hopefully now this will go away and we can get back to the topics we like to talk about.

I also just thought of a question, when we recieve this pms is there anyway to forward them to you Rob, or anyone in admin,so that way you have more evidance if ever needed? Just a question and a thought.

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