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Well, I fell in the New Year, literally!!

Last night we all decided to go to the roping area to do some horseback riding. Don't misunderstand, please, I am such a newbie when it comes to horseback riding. I can saddle a horse (pretty much) and can tell the difference between the head and tail (yay me). But I am by NO means, and expert!!

Well, I am still sick, and this cold has really knocked me on my ass. It also has made me not eat that much. I'd just eaten a little bit earlier in the day, so I probably should've not even TRIED to get on a horse. Plus it's cold, and I had mittens on. Yes, it gets cold down here in Texas! So, my friend tells me to get up on her horse (different type of saddle that I'm use to on that horse too, very slick). I get up, and then go over!! I fell, hitting my right hip first, and my husband said that my head bounced. But I honestly don't remember falling, so I am wondering if I blacked out getting up there so fast! :unsure: Thankfully, since we were at a roping arena, the dirt was nice and soft. I lucked out at least. :rolleyes:

The poor horse didn't want me to try and get up on her again! She kept moving away from me, but I got back up on her, and rode for a bit. But this cold being in my chest, and my being an asthmatic, I was having difficulty breathing to begin with. Falling on my upper body didn't help much!!

It was also the first time I'd been back on a horse in about 6 mos. I have a hard time even looking at my tack, after having my horse put down in October.

But, boy am I sore today!! Thankfully, my husband rubbed my shoulders and back last night, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move today I think!

That's the first time I've fallen off a horse. I don't recommend it!! :P

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Well, I fell in the New Year, literally!!

Last night we all decided to go to the roping area to do some horseback riding. Don't misunderstand, please, I am such a newbie when it comes to horseback riding. I can saddle a horse (pretty much) and can tell the difference between the head and tail (yay me). But I am by NO means, and expert!!

Well, I am still sick, and this cold has really knocked me on my ass. It also has made me not eat that much. I'd just eaten a little bit earlier in the day, so I probably should've not even TRIED to get on a horse. Plus it's cold, and I had mittens on. Yes, it gets cold down here in Texas! So, my friend tells me to get up on her horse (different type of saddle that I'm use to on that horse too, very slick). I get up, and then go over!! I fell, hitting my right hip first, and my husband said that my head bounced. But I honestly don't remember falling, so I am wondering if I blacked out getting up there so fast! :unsure: Thankfully, since we were at a roping arena, the dirt was nice and soft. I lucked out at least. :rolleyes:

The poor horse didn't want me to try and get up on her again! She kept moving away from me, but I got back up on her, and rode for a bit. But this cold being in my chest, and my being an asthmatic, I was having difficulty breathing to begin with. Falling on my upper body didn't help much!!

It was also the first time I'd been back on a horse in about 6 mos. I have a hard time even looking at my tack, after having my horse put down in October.

But, boy am I sore today!! Thankfully, my husband rubbed my shoulders and back last night, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move today I think!

That's the first time I've fallen off a horse. I don't recommend it!! :P

Awww *hugs* I hope you feel better!

Off topic: I start college tomorrow!! Yay me!


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Awwwww!! I have been bucked off a horse before and ouch! Have hubby spoil you rotten and rub you some more, draw a nice warm bath, then have him kiss all your soreness away or try to at least :P . As far as the cold thing I have had it for almost 3 weeks, it does kick your ass and just when you think it is going away, I will be damned if it isn't.

Take care hun!!!!!Sorry hope you get better soon!!

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Tyger--not a nice way to ring in the New Year. It definitely could have been worse, though--I'm glad you didn't break anything. Take care of yourself.

And Liesl, we need to stay in touch. I start my Bachelor's Degree (I have my Associate's) next Tuesday (school starts back Monday, but all my classes are Tuesday and Thursday). I got my Associate's on-line, but am attending a regular University for my Bachelor's. I'm 53 and rather apprehensive. But my husband and kids, who have all been through this before, tell me I'll do just fine.

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I thought I was the clutz out of the two of us, Tyger? ;) Glad to hear hubby took care of you after your fall and glad, too, that you got back up. *hugs* Take care of you!

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