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Starting Too Early?

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I feel rather odd to be this young (barely out of high school) and already using half a dozen sex toys and watching adult videos. I don't personally know any other girls my age who have used a single sex toy, which kind of makes me feel awkward. Is it normal for girls to start exploring their sexuality in this way while they are so young? Or am I just an odd duck?

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Not at all! You are lucky to be so in tune with your sexuality and sensuality so early in life! Using sexual enhancement products or watching adult features are healthy - as long as you are not locking yourself in your roon 24/7 and never getting out! Many women spend half their lives never trying a sex toy, and always feeling like something is missing. You KNOW what toys can offer and hopefully also know that they are healthy and are used for ENHANCEMENT and not replacement for normal sexual relations!

I applaud you for being confident enough to explore yourself in this way. I was much like you - started with toys when I was young and was very comfortable using them. I have always had a good grip on my sexuality and my partners have always enjoyed that about me!

Good luck and remember to be proud of yourself - in all ways - sexual and non-sexual!

Mikayla ;)

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I too think it's great that you're exploring your body, even so "young". I was 16 when I saw my first porn (with a guy that thought it would guarantee him getting laid!!), my first sex toy at 19.

Just think how luck a guy will be to have you in his bed (or be in yours), truly enjoying yourself!! Like Mikayla said, so long as you're not substituting toys and films for real human companionship, don't think yourself weird, think of yourself as wise!

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Guest Ollej25

I'm really glad that you posted about this. I had felt the same way over the last year or so, with people my age, even friends that don't understand some of the ways i have been exploring myself sexually. I have realized though, especially some of them, how unhappy they are with their sex life. Like i recently bought my first real sex toy for myself like 2 months ago, and those friends who weren't really happy with there own sex life, asked me so many questions. Like where did you get it from, and i ended up showing them tootimid.com and they were sooo amazed. They still aren't into everything that i am, but are now getting more comfortable with themselves.

So i've learned to take pride in it. Enjoy it, and when you end up getting with another person, already knowing what gets you off makes it better for the both of you.

Thanks Again for posting about this


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Thanks for the reassurance guys, it's great to know that I'm not weird for starting early. :D And no, I am not substituting toys for companionship, I am in a loving relationship with a guy who wants to wait until after marriage to have sex. I respect his decision, even though I would jump at the chance if he changed his mind about waiting. ;) But for the moment, it's me and my toy box. And Ashley, I'm really happy for you that you have reached such a level of comfort and pride in yourself, it gives me hope for what is to come! You've been an inspiration, thank you!

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