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o.k. <_< what really works? i am 51 yrs old and ejoy sex alot with my wife and i have no problem getting an erection and i can play for a pretty good while before cumming but after i do , i lose my erection and it is hard to get back up for more play. im looking for help in this matter and only get totally confused and frustrated when shopping on the e-net for this stuff. can someone please help me this problem. thanks alot.

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First, welcome to the forum. I know that sometimes the first initial question is the hardest!

As far as what really works, and what doesn't, try reading the Sex Toy Review section either here on the forum, or up on the Toy Reviews tab up there at the top.

Speaking as a Product Reviewer, I have reviewed a couple of things that have been waaaaaaaaaaaay off the mark, but many that hit the right spot. Some items are shipped to other reviewers to see if the product was a total waste, or if it was just the person's preference. Usually, if something is reviewed by a couple of people, and bad reviews/opinions are given, for more or less the same reasons, then they choose to discountinue the item.

That said, each person is different as far as what someone gets pleasure out of, and what someone gets totally irritated with. Read the reviews of the items that you're interested in. If there are no reviews on a particular item, send out a post (in the General Sex Toy Discussion forum usually), seeing if someone has tried that item.

We are always honest and truthful as far as what a toy does for us, how we liked it, or didn't like it, and some suggestions as to levels of experience this toy would be good for, usage, and lubes.

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If I am reading your post correctly, you do not have a problem getting or maintaining an erection - you have a problem KEEPING it erect AFTER CUMMING? Is that correct?

This is not uncommon for men who are a bit older. THe normal refractory period after orgasm becomes MUCH longer. I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself to get hard again. While Viagra and Cialis can help you achieve and erection, it will not necessarily let you get one again after orgasm. Some of the 3-day pills like Cialis and Levitra help you to get erections within a 72 hour period - but you are not having trouble with an erection but subsequent erections. I would suggest for you some male enhancement cream, like Max SIze. It helps to dialate the blood vessels in the penis and makes erections come a little better. If that doesn't do you justice, please remember all the different ways you can give your wife pleasure without an erection! Oral, toys, fingers....do not discount those methods. You may be surprised at how erect you get when your wife is just being pleasured!

Mikayla ;)

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your right. the problem is getting an erection after cumming. no problems getting the first erection and playing for a pretty long time before cumming but then getting back up. thanks for getting back to me.

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