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my honey is comen home after being away in the marines for a year he gets to come home yay yay me well girls {or guys}

i need help and ideas what can i do to surprise him becasue i have changed physicaly so much i lost 55 pounds and i am 15 pounds away from what i orriganaly weighed before the3 children please any thoughts and ideas would help

tyger and mykayla1 i hear that you guys are really good with maken ideas so please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jinx, you could cover yourself in oatmeal and he's going to devour you.

Congrats on the weight loss - that's an awesome accomplishment.

some nice lingerie would be a nice welcome home surprise. Maybe have some flavoured lubes ready, too.

After a year, i'd love to be held, hugged, pampered and then pounced on!

Thank you husband for serving...your Canadian friends appreciate it too!


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Jinx, you could cover yourself in oatmeal and he's going to devour you.

Congrats on the weight loss - that's an awesome accomplishment.

some nice lingerie would be a nice welcome home surprise. Maybe have some flavoured lubes ready, too.

After a year, i'd love to be held, hugged, pampered and then pounced on!

Thank you husband for serving...your Canadian friends appreciate it too!


thanks for the ideas i think i will go get a few things i might even buy them on this site thanks again for the congrats on the weight loss

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I am thinking that you need something....hot, urgent, romantic and erotic. I would get someone to watch your kids for a while - preferably overnight - but only after they have gotten to see their Daddy. I am assuming that you will be picking him up from the airport so greet him in a sexy outfit that showcases your new "you." I am sure he would love you no matter how much you weigh, but loosing the weight is definitely a bonus.

After you hug and kiss him to death, present him with a card. Something cute or sappy, your call. In the card have a picture of you in something sexy - some new lingerie. Or, have a picture of just the lingerie on the bed.

Then, when you get home, offer him a drink, get him comfortable. Give him a minute to adjust to being home. Then, tell him to go freshen up and meet you in the bedroom. You have to have this all prepared ahead of time so make sure the bedroom is full of candles and fun things to play with - whatever goodies you have bought. Make sure you have some massage cream - preferably edible.

I would leave him a trail of pictures that gets more and more erotic as he goes down the hall or up the stairs. One could have a nipple, the other your belly button, perhaps your lips, end with a picture of your nicely shaven pussy. he will be running to the bedroom.

When he gets there, be on the bed in the lingerie from the picture. Tell him you are going to welcome him home the right way. Get off the bed, undress him slowly. Kiss him and invite him to get onto the bed. Give him the sexiest massage you can. This is for him to relax - he has spent a year away and may be tense - and then proceed to your night of sex. Be loving and confident and I am sure you will both have a great night!

I hope that helps!


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I am thinking that you need something....hot, urgent, romantic and erotic. I would get someone to watch your kids for a while - preferably overnight - but only after they have gotten to see their Daddy. I am assuming that you will be picking him up from the airport so greet him in a sexy outfit that showcases your new "you." I am sure he would love you no matter how much you weigh, but loosing the weight is definitely a bonus.

After you hug and kiss him to death, present him with a card. Something cute or sappy, your call. In the card have a picture of you in something sexy - some new lingerie. Or, have a picture of just the lingerie on the bed.

Then, when you get home, offer him a drink, get him comfortable. Give him a minute to adjust to being home. Then, tell him to go freshen up and meet you in the bedroom. You have to have this all prepared ahead of time so make sure the bedroom is full of candles and fun things to play with - whatever goodies you have bought. Make sure you have some massage cream - preferably edible.

I would leave him a trail of pictures that gets more and more erotic as he goes down the hall or up the stairs. One could have a nipple, the other your belly button, perhaps your lips, end with a picture of your nicely shaven pussy. he will be running to the bedroom.

When he gets there, be on the bed in the lingerie from the picture. Tell him you are going to welcome him home the right way. Get off the bed, undress him slowly. Kiss him and invite him to get onto the bed. Give him the sexiest massage you can. This is for him to relax - he has spent a year away and may be tense - and then proceed to your night of sex. Be loving and confident and I am sure you will both have a great night!

I hope that helps!


thank you guys so much that has helped a lot he comes home in 3 days and oh boy am i counten down the lubes and laungera is a good idea and thanks howard for the other idea i know i will hopefully make an impression on him hopefuly which not seeing me or his children for a year well yeah i gues so plus i told him about this website and he really can't wait to see what all is on it and the questions and answers that the people get so thanks again i appreciate it a lot


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Depending on when he arrives, maybe have some great catch up time with you and the kids, cuz I'm sure he's dying to see them too. If you can stand it, wear some baggy clothes......Then after a while, arrange for someone to take the kids, take him to your romantically set up bedroom (cuz I'm sure he also missed being in his own bed), with candles, soft music, and go get dressed in some really sexy, yet romantic lingerie, and surprise him with how MUCH weight you've lost. Seeing it, I'm sure will set him on ya!! ;)

For me, a first night back from a loved one being gone a long time, I like romance, slow and steady. Then, provide him a week of different lingerie outfits, and different types of sex. First night, romantic. Second night, maybe a bit more aggressive, third day and night....tease him all day long (sexy notes/text messages, in passing groping), then an adult movie that night, trying to copy what the porn stars are doing....and so on. Keep him guessing, it's a lot of fun!!

Again, thank him from all of us for the service he's done for our country, and thank YOU for standing by him, providing love and support to an American Defender!!!


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