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Husband And Anal


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hi all it is me tinkerbell well i don't know if this question was posted or not but here it goes

i am in a relationship marriage what ever you would like to call it

i have talked to my honey about him getten anal but he is totaly against it and i don't know how to get him to open up to it he thinks that if a guy takes it up the butt that he is gay and i have showed him this site and he is still firmly saying NO NO NO.

and i don't know how agoen about it any help would be nice

thanks so much tinkerbell

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Now, I'm not trying to characterize Texans by any means, but I am also married to a Texan, and I get the "Awwwww helllll naaawww!!" when I suggest trying to stimulate a gland anally for him.

I use to do it with my ex husband, and he loved it!!! But my NOW husband just doesn't like even the thought of it!!! He feels the same way: EXIT ONLY. And you must be gay if you're a guy and like something up your butt!

The only thing I can tell him is that he doesn't know what he's missing. :P

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I take mild offense at your assumption that people here don't understand why a man would not want anal sex. My hubby has really procrastinated even trying it - but now he likes it - in moderation and on HIS terms. We here on forum like to explain why we THINK that a man or woman might like something - no one here has ever FORCED someone to do something they do not want to.

These are personal opinions, that oftentimes get heated because people feel strongly about it. For example, a discussion on swallowing has gotten many mixed answers with lots of emotion. The fact is, that reading the answers here does NOT mean that we are attempting ot force people to do something - and, if the reader feels that way then it is clearly HIS or HER fault for reading that into it.

Of course we are all in control our our bodies - all parts of our bodies - and that is why we make decisions for ourselves. However, if this was a WOMAN saying she didn't want something up her ass - men would come a runnin' to explain why it is something she should try, and that she is old-fashioned and a prude. Why do men get their boxers in a bunch when WOMEN suggest they try the same thing? The fact is, the anal canal is the one sexual organ (yes, it gives sexual pleasure) that both men and women have in common! Why should men not try this activity too?

I know why....cause anal sex = homosexual sex!

No one knows if they like something until they try it, and all the people here are suggesting is that he TRY IT. Now, if he continues to protest, of COURSE we do not want her to continue to badger him - that is the quickest way to a relationship ending. However, if she only wants him to experience the pleasure then maybe he should consider it. The fact is, many men and women who do not try anal sex are misinformed about it. So, she should educate him and then let him make the decision.

The only thing that I do not disagree about you with is if she does NOT have anal sex with him, then of course he should rightly be concerned or hesitant to let her do him. However, from the tone of this post, I would gather that she enjoys anal sex.

I think that about covers it.


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Poontang, of course, you are always welcome to input your opinions. When you start reading more and more posts, you will see that, speaking for myself only, that I always encourage trying new things, and if they don't like it, or have some moral reasonings as to why they won't/don't want to try a new thing sexually, then of course, they should steer clear. And, in all actuality, most of the posters here do that as well. What we really want to get out there is that you don't know what you like or may not like, until you experience it.

This post was from a woman, that, gathering from the post, just has a desire to try to give some attention to her man's anal region, and he flat out refuses. MY post's tone was that of total understanding.

But, it's great to get a man's POV on this as well. Maybe that's exactly how her man is feeling.

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I firmly believe that if any man lets anyone put anything up his ass , then he is leaning toward becomming gay at the very least. And, I don't need to try it to know how I feel.

These are all personal opinions here and people can take or leave any info. they wish. But for someone to bawl someone else out for posting their opinion and then say " I think that about covers it" is no different than calling them stupid and telling them to shut up.

I couldn't care less wheather a person has one, or two thousand post here. It ruins the topic, and stops other people from posting when a moderator cannot be mature enough to allow others to give their opinions and ask questions without becomming offended as if it were a personal attack. /quote]

OK, first this post is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think? I mean, first you write that YOU firmly believe that if any man lets anyone put anything up his ass, then he is leaning toward homosexuality! ARE YOU FLIPPIN' KIDDING ME?

You are seriously misinformed and ignorant about sex...PERIOD! Was that rude? Yes, it was meant to be. For someone to say that men that enjoy anal sex or anal play are half gay or on the road to gayness is just stupid!

Second, the number of posts that I have or anyone else has is irrelevant. however, my being a moderator and TooTimid's Sex Educator (yes, I have a title...have you READ ALL MY ARTICLES???) - gives me a little bit more of an edge over people who never post here. I have researched many topics - anal sex being one of them - and I KNOW what the heck I am writing about and I take GREAT OFFENSE to you suggesting that I personally attack those who do not agree with me.

I do rebut when someone suggests something that could taint a young, impressionable mind - such as suggesting that anal sex = gayness.

Third, did you even READ my response? I clearly say that ALL PEOPLE's opinions are welcomed, INCLUDING MINE, and the reader has the right to take the advice or not. This ORIGINAL post was about HOW TO GET HER HUSBAND INTO ANAL SEX - not, what are the pros and cons of anal sex, what does it mean when a man has anal sex - no, HOW to get him to try anal sex.

My response was more heated in defense of the posters here - stating that we can't understand why a man would NOT want to try anal. DUH...we do understand. Men who won;t at least TRY it are uneducated about it and fearful that they will become GAY.

Men who at least try it may not like it -but that is OK. Also, men who decide that they do not want to try it because of any other reason than the GAY LINK is also OK. EVERYONE - male or female - has the right to control what happens to his or her body - and I am NOT advocating forcing anyone into anything.

As far as me not being "mature" enough to let others post...um, there is no reason to wait and see if others will post - we post when we want to say something, I wanted to say something. This is my first ammendment right. I did not personally attack Pootang - I suggested that he may be over generalizing and that he may think that anal sex = homosexual sex.

I was right, apparently, because he did not respond, but you did. Claiming that anal sex = homosexual sex. You need to do some research and reading and discover for yourself that homosexuality is not the cause of having anal sex, that anal sex is the activity of an already homosexual person. How do YOU think homosexuals become that way - they are born with it, or they choose the lifestyle, not because their girlfriend sticks her finger up his ass!

As far as Tyger's posts go, of course she is sweet and gentle and gets her point across - she is always knowledgable and on point - but so am I, I just do not always sugar coat it - especially when the post I am responding to is not sugary sweet.

Now I KNOW that about covers it...good day!


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