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Ocd And Your Sex Drive

Guest Edge

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I have a theory, or perhaps an intuition, that people with OCD have a higher sex drive.

Also, would a person with OCD tend to be more adventurous?

As men are thought to be in gear, or horny, most of their waking lives, i'm particularly interested in responses from the ladies.

Of course, all replies are welcome.

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I have a *slight* case of OCD, and I don't think my sex drive is higher than a normal person's. But, that's just me.

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I DEFINITELY have OCD - for those of you who do not know, this is Obessive / Compulsive Disorder. Basically, you are anal about cleanliness, the order of things, scheduling, etc. It can be severe or mild - I am more in mid-range,

I do think I have a higher sex drive than most, but I am not sure what the correlation would be? Sometimes my OCD stops me from doing sexual things -like having sex during my period or slathering on an oily massage oil. So, I am not sure if this would add to my sex drive or not.


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I'm slightly OCD (my husband would argue more than slight :rolleyes: hehe), but my sex drive is actually lower than par. Sorry! I guess I don't see the correlation, either. What made you come up with this theory? :)

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i dont know that there is a correlation. i knew a girl who had a very high sex drive and was OCD. I was just wondering if it was common.

For those ladies that do have a high sex drive (and are not OCD), would you attribute it to anything or is it just the way you are wired? Have you always had a high sex drive?

From a guy's perspective, wow, we apprecitate your interest and drive!

As a healthy 40 something male, i've been frisky since i was 12 or 13.

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I am slightly OCD about cleaniness, my husband would tell you I am severe. :lol: Everything has to be in its place, in fact my toys are even sorted by types. hehe I have a high sex drive, but I don't believe it is higher then anyone else's. I do believe I am just wired this way.

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OCD is not just about cleanliness or neatness. OCD affects different people different ways. The Obsession can be anything, and the Compulsion is the need to act on it.

My wife is moderately OCD and hers affects things like her driving, hygene, and other aspects of life. She is like Mikayla in ways, she likes a nice massage, but wont' let me cum on her breasts or face. She doens't like the sticky aspect and can't get past that.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. Thus it is an anxiety disorder.

Like the feeling of not being safe is the obsession, the compulsion to override that is locking the door 5 times to enusre the lock works properly.

I can't imagine this has any affect on a persons sex drive though.....

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