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My husband does not like to be touched. He doesn't like for me to touch his neck or his chest at all even when we are making love.I can touch his penis and that is about all. he is the only lover that I have ever had so i was just wondering if this is how other guys are. Some of the stories and stuff that I have read show that most men like to be touched. It is hard to make love to someone when they don't want to be touched :( Any ideas on what i could do to help with this.

I have ordered some dvds from the site so I'm hopeing that they help but just wanted others points of veiw.


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My husband does not like to be touched. He doesn't like for me to touch his neck or his chest at all even when we are making love.I can touch his penis and that is about all. he is the only lover that I have ever had so i was just wondering if this is how other guys are. Some of the stories and stuff that I have read show that most men like to be touched. It is hard to make love to someone when they don't want to be touched :( Any ideas on what i could do to help with this.

I have ordered some dvds from the site so I'm hopeing that they help but just wanted others points of veiw.


One thing you didn't say, has he always been like this? Or has this developed over time?

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I don't know what you can do. Have you spoken with him about how it affects your feelings of closeness and intimacy?

I can't imagine how sad that must make you feel. I'm so sorry. I hope you and your husband can find a resolution.

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Hi again,

I'm sorry if my post came out wrong. I am not very good at writing what I am thinking :)

My husband is not a cold person and I think that is how i sounded in all of my posts. We do hug and kiss but he doesn't like to have his chest or neck kissed or touched. When we were teenagers and dating and were making out i do remember kissing and touching both places.Now he doesn't like it at all.Like I said it is hard to make love that way i feel like i am just laying there.

thank you all, It does make me feel better to know it is not something wrong with me :)

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Well, I asked that question, because, as hard as it may be to hear, his feelings may have changed. As a general rule (to which, I'm sure there are exceptions), humans are a "touchy-feely" species. Touch is almost as important as food and water.

Yes, sexual preference changes do occur over time in some people. But that is a major biggie. I don't know of any guys that have loved having their nipples and chest kissed and nibbled on, only not to like it later in life. Unless, of course, he has body image issues, or is trying to hide a possible "gut". but, I guess there is that possibility. I am skeptical, but that's me.

I would suggest possibly adding some spontanaiety into your sex life. Instead of doing your normal morning routine, maybe jump in the shower with him. Or, at night, skip the laundry or the dishes, go into your bedroom, put on a nightie, or even one of his big shirts, and teasing him by trying to do some housework that requires A LOT of bending over (letting him see you're either comando, or have a lacey thong on). Hopefully, he'll get the clue, ;) and you'll both have a little more housework to do the next day. But so what? :P

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Thanks Tyger,

I agree about touching being important and that is what got me thinking about it all. As Howard suggested I think I will talk to someone about all of this. I have worried before that maybe he has fallen out of love with me. I know that he loves me, but I wonder if he is still in love with me


I will try what you suggested I hope it works because that sounds like it could be alot of fun!!!

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What are the reasons he tells you why he does'nt like to be touched in those areas?

Hi Jax,

Well, we talked about it last night and he said that he just doesn't like his nipples touched at all. No real reason he just doesn't like it. With his neck he said that its tickelish. I told him at i feel like he doesn't want me to touch him at all and he said thats crazy that he loves for me to touch him and he doesn't want me to feel that way. so I do feel better about that :) so will see what happens.

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Hi Jax,

Well, we talked about it last night and he said that he just doesn't like his nipples touched at all. No real reason he just doesn't like it. With his neck he said that its tickelish. I told him at i feel like he doesn't want me to touch him at all and he said thats crazy that he loves for me to touch him and he doesn't want me to feel that way. so I do feel better about that :) so will see what happens.

Well at least you are talking about it and it sounds like things are being figured out...... as long as he doesnt stop touching your nipples everything is great right? LOL

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Your husband is not being truthful to you about his fears. His answer" I just don't like my nipples being touched" without details indicates he is hiding again. Don't accept that answer from him. I would not do so if I was his therapist. You are his wife. He owes it to you to explain why certain areas of his body are " out of bounds " to you.


Hi Howard,

Now he tells me that his nipples and his neck are just to sensitive and he doesn't like the feeling.I am just so glad to have him talking to me about it.Last night I slept with my head on his chest it was very nice.

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Hi Howard,

Now he tells me that his nipples and his neck are just to sensitive and he doesn't like the feeling.I am just so glad to have him talking to me about it.Last night I slept with my head on his chest it was very nice.

LOL Howard, Therapist?? Relax a little and quit being so analytical, maybe he just does'nt like them touched for god sake. Fears?? Sometimes a dislike is just a dislike. When you are having sex with your wife and she comments on something, do you get your notepad out and make her discuss tribulations in her childhood?

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Well that answer settled it... way too analytical, I did'nt even have the patience to read it all.. yawn.

So just do what you do. I just can't agree.

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Why does your response and attitude not surprise me?


I don't know Howard, maybe it's a fear you have. Talk to your therapist. I'm done with this conversation, have a nice day.

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