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Telling Your Lover They Are The Best You've Ever Had


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So, I got to thinking about this. I was curious to see how many people have told lovers this, and actually MEAN it.

I mean, I've said that a couple of times to the men I've been involved with, and, at the time, I meant it.

Of course, as time passes, hopefully, lovers gain a better understanding of how their partners react, like, and dislike. They gain experience with being a good lover, so long as their lovers are being honest with them.

I have had a few lovers tell me that I was the best, at that time, and the ones that have said this, I knew for a while, and had also known some of their past lovers. I believed them.

So, are you telling lovers this? If so, are you being honest, or trying to talk dirty to them. I promise not to *roast* you if you're just saying that. :P

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I have only been with one woman in my life. My wife is the best lover I have and she is so good to me in and out of bed, I am not looking for someone new. I have fooled around with other girls, but none hold a candle to her. I am not saying there are not women out there that are in better shape, and probably better lovers or more sexual people, but I am not looking or worried about it.

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Well I have had it said to me, and yes I believe them in fact we are stilll friends. I have also said it to one person in my life, and he still is the best I have ever had. Wow thinking about it.... damn..... He was dam good :P .

See Tyger now you just made me think of a question to go with this post. If the person you are with now isn't the best, at times do you ever find yourself thinking of that person or fantasizing about him/her? I will admit that sometimes I do think about him from time to time and all the great sex we had, but heck he is also my best friend now to.

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I do fantasize about one guy when I am masturbating, sometimes. He was also a good friend, still is. But when I'm with hubby, I'm WITH hubby.

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For me there have been more than one "best." There was the one who was best at oral (my hubby) and then the guy who was best at bondage, role playing and putting me in my place (Bondage Guy) - then there was someone I had intense, one time, multi-orgasmic sex with. I can not put one person in the "best" category.

However, my hubby and I have an intimate connection that brings our sex to a new level - and in that manner, it is the "best" even though he is probably not "the" best that I have ever had.

Mikayla ;)

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My answer's going to be along the same lines as Mikayla's...

My husband and I have a connection that I've never had with anyone else... we're close lovers AND we're close friends. He's not the "best I've ever had," but he makes me feel better than anyone's ever made me feel -- that's gotta count for something, hehe -- not to mention the fact that he lives to make me multi-orgasmic! *laugh* ;)

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