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Just had a question about having anal sex with my partner, and she has hemroids,Anal is completely off limits with her....Pain is the biggest factor she just says NO....Is this just plain gross off me thinking about doing iy with her or is this something that can be worked out....thanks

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It's not gross that you want to have anal sex, however, I wouldn't impose it on her. I'm in med school and have a good understanding of what hemeroids intails. It's painful. They sell creams that she can use to num and lessen the protrusions. If she hasn't seen a doctor, she should and find out what she should do. There are treatment options, but this isn't something one can cure 100%. If she has it now, it's pretty much for life. It may go away altogether, or at least seem so. It may get worse, but with the ointments out there, she should be able to keep it in check and lessen those grape-like clusters.

Stool softeners work to cause less pressure and pain.

If she's been using creams and what have you and she still suffers to a degree, then don't ask her to do anal. If you she consents to and you guys do try it, it will have devastating results. You'll worsen the pain by making them even bigger and more inflamed.

Some people are more prone to hemeroids than others, genetics really.

Anyway, first have her see a physcian, then get what he/she perscribes and creams. Also stool softeners wont be a bad idea, but only do this if she still has pain after using the above for a few months. Stool softeners cause dehydration and you don't want to imbalance her system.

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I don't know how many or how bad it is for your gf. In my case I have one that showed up during the birthing process of my son 12yrs ago. Mine only flairs up every so often if I don't eat well and get constipated or something.

But it has not been a problem wrt anal play. Of course I've stayed away from anal play during flair ups. But when its not bothering me its not a problem.

Could be your gf is using it as an excuse to avoid the stigma that comes with anal play itself.

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The first time I discovered a hemorrhoid I thought I was going to die. Not only was it extremely uncomfortable, but it was utterly embarrassing!

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that become irritaed and swollen from any number of things, such as: giving birth, straining during a bowel movement, or even anal sex.

I don't blame your girlfriend for not wanting to participate in anal sex. She may be afraid of the pain or better yet afraid of embarrassment. Hemorrhoids can be treated though by soaking in warm baths and applying hemorrhoid cream such as Preparation H.

I can't guarantee that once her hemorrhoids are gone that she'll be ready to try anal sex...but it can't hurt to ask!

Good luck.


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