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Hi everyone

Guess i'll start with a little bio here. i am a 26 yr old male in the military and what can i say about that, where i am now its just another job. i am from east texas but in jax, FL right now. i am married to a beautiful curvatious young woman of 26 and i have 3 wonderful children.

i have already enjoyed reading the story writing talents on here and look forward to more of the sex ed topics as i go through, you can never learn too much about it. our main issue is trying to find a work around for a medication she is on that totally kills her sex drive so it is kind of hit or miss on when we can tear apart the bedroom but when we do our roommate says we need to soundproof our room he is getting tired of hearing it i guess. oops lol

well i guess thats about it for now i look forward to talking with everyone and any input on our medicinal issue would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to TooTimid! Great introduction, now let's see if we can help you. :)

My suggestion would be to have her speak with her pharmacist. They tend to keep more up-to-date on side effects more than doctors (no offense meant) and can give suggestions as to another drug that might work better for your wife. With that information, talk to her doctor and see if switching her meds is appropriate.

About sound-proofing your room, all I can say is to buy your roommate a pair of earplugs, cuz hopefully there will be some great celebratory sex once you get her meds fixed. *snicker*

Welcome again and hope to see your continued posts!

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I am going to wager a guess that the medicine she is on is some sort of anti-depressant. Those are the worst offenders with libido. I would conisder discussing it with her doctor - and perhaps looking for a natural remedy for the depression (if this is the case) - cause sometimes just getting some exercise can do wonders for depression.

I would really help if we knew what medicine it is. If you do not want to tell us, we understand, but then would suggest talking to the pharmacist (Valyntn is right) or even looking the med up online. IF she needs a medicinal change, have her see her doctor!


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yes it is an anti depressant (your good :D) ZOLOFT. i think mainly if we can get the stress level to drop maybe that would help alot but at this point in time stress is about the only thing keeping either one of us productive, there is just so much going on but she is working on getting in to see the doctor about several things that have been getting set to the side so hopefully we can get an answer soon on the meds part.

i simply told my room-mate to get a girl of his own and we could have a compitition to see who is loudest in the sac. well it late and work starts early.

look forward to talking to everyone alot more


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