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Possible Vag. Contamination


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I am new and not sure if this is where I should post.

Last night my bf was playing with my anus. In the heat of the moment, I felt his finger go into my vagina. He knows that this is dangerous and he has never done it before. He thought it only touched the clitoris but I felt his finger enter me and think it was the one he had used anally!!!!

I washed right away but didn't douche. I am scared that this can be harmful and was wondering if there is anything I can do to decrease any risk? And is there any specific symptoms i should be on the look out for??? We are both freaked out.

I don't have a local GP as mine has gone on leave, and thus don't have a doctor I feel comfortabel talking to about this stupid error.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I would suggest a douching with vinegar and water. However, if you haven't done anything by now, then bacterial has probably started to grow. I wouldn't freak out yet. A douche won't hurt to do, IMO.

Sometimes nothing happens, and you get lucky. Yeast or a bacterial infection is usually common, but can be treated (see a doctor if you itch, or smell funny *down there*).

Make sure that this doesn't happen again. Keep antibacterial wet wipes by the bed for hands, if there will be anal play and vaginal play with fingers, toys, penis. Just make sure to pay attention, and make sure that he does the same.

I hope everything is fine.

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Don't freak out yet. You may have gotten lucky. My ex was not the cleanliest man in the world when it came to watching where his hands went on me (one of our many relationship problems), but in four years of his carelessness, I was fortunate to never have a problem.

So, please douche, and watch yourself closely, but don't give yourself an ulcer with worry just yet. And, of course, head to the doctor if you suspect something has gone wrong.

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