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might seem a little strange coming for a girl but i am very easily turned on and with my the start of a new relationship i want to make sure everything goes good the 1st time we actually have sex. what i feel my problems is that i get so aroused that i cant even come to an orgasim b.c i squrim away b.c the pleasure can be so great that i cant breath :unsure: what can i do ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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You have to learn to take deep breathes, breathing in and out slowly. When you exhale, stop at the bottom, and count slowly to 5( 5 seconds), before inhaling. Inhale just as slowly as you exhaled. If you are getting excited, ask him to stop moving, or doing whatever is causing your excitement. My experience is that when I am having sex( penis to vagina) with my lover, and she breathes this way, she will gasp for air if I continue to move in her while she exhales and does her count. And, that gasp rattles her brain so that she can no longer hold back  her orgasm. Once she is in orgasm( partial blackout, shakes, muscle clenching, etc.) I continue to stimulate her by continuing my movements( I often stimulate another erogeous zone with one hand while moving my cock in and out of her pussy), and she will continue to have orgasms as long as I continue the stimulation.  Have FUN. Yes, You are suppose to enjoy this, and there is no limit on the orgasms women can and should have!



I tried your breathing recommendations...first, I have to say, thankfully, that I'm one of the lucky ones, I guess - and have no problem whatsoever getting turned on! Sometimes, it will be something as simple as a look and a "Hey, woman! You wanna mess around?" All said very softly, in his deep, husky and oh! so sexy voice!!! Anyway - because I can reach orgasm so quickly (most of the time) - I tried your breathing tips, but also showed my man your comments - OK! So much for his stopping to slow me down! Ha! I'm beginning to think the two of you went to the same school! And how nice it was that you did! I think the more orgasms I have, the more he likes it! But who's counting, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Are you telling us that the breathing technique I wrote about worked for you? If so, please make that clear, so that other women can benefit from your confirmation. Advice on women's orgasms always seems to be better accepted than when it comes from a guy! Thanks for the comment.


Yes, I'm sorry - Your breathing exercise does work to slow me down some - but, like your partner, if my guy doesn't slow down or stop a bit to help me, I'm afraid, if he continues to move in me, or changes what he's doing, even ever so slightly, I'll gasp as well - and yes, once I've done that , I lose track of my count and will reach orgasm very quickly and happily...

Because I reach orgasm so quickly, I can have many orgasms in a very short while. As one would expect, my guy certainly enjoys this and likes to bring me there and keep me there. The only draw back is that I do begin to get tired.

So, yes, with your breathing exercise, I can concentrate on the counting, still enjoy everything my guy is doing, and delay my orgasm a bit...and we're having great fun all the while.

So, if anyone is having the same problem - quick off the starting line - try this breathing technique and see if it helps you. I can promise that when you lose concentration and do come to orgasm, it will be a dilly!


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