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Working Too Hard To Climax


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Okay, first time visiting and posting here. I've been married for 3 years and we waited until we were married to have sex so he is the only one I've had sex with. Although I can't exactly say we didn't do everything else beside intercourse before marriage. So just about everytime we are intimate, it takes alot of work on my end to have an orgasm. I pretty much tense up and concentrate really hard until it happens. When I do this is usually only take a few minutes to achieve orgasm, but my whole body is pretty sore. If I don't do this it would take much, much longer, probably 1/2 to an hr. to reach orgasm. I'm wondering if there is anything that I can do differently so that my husband can take on the whole workload and I can just sit back and relax without feeling like his hand is going to fall off from taking so long to reach orgasm. We have a 1 year old and I'm 8 months pg. so our sex life could really use some reviving. Thanks for any suggestions!

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Well, congrats on the upcoming baby, and welcome to the forum!

You said a lot in a short post!!

OK, as far as spicing things up, that can happen, with a little imagination (which we encourage you to copy ideas given here on the board), making time, and a willingness to explore. Toy usage is fun, role playing, costumes, or even changing up the time you normally have sex!

With one small child, and another on the way, I'm sure it's hard to get any time for yourself. Ask a close friend or relative to babysit, and have a nice date night with hubby. Make it fun and flirty. Or a romantic evening. Whatever you want to make it! Just make sure that it's all about you as a couple.

As far as taking so much time to orgasm. Some women take more time than others, just like men do. However, from what you've said, it sounds like you may be trying too hard to achieve orgasm. Trying to relax, take deep breaths, and just concentrate on the feelings. Your brain needs to let go and not over-think it. Read on, go to the sex ed tab at the top, and have fun with the wealth of info right on your computer!

Welcome to the forum, and have fun!!

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