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Vaginal Muscles Too Strong?


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Well, ever since I was 11 I've been (without knowing until I was a couple years older) doing kegels (i'm 20 now). Like, so often that I just do them whenever I'm sitting at the computer or in the car or anything and I can do them for hours without stopping. Well, apparently, despite all the sex I've had, my boyfriend complains that I've never loosened up, not once, and that even though it feels great he doesn't get a lot of stamina in because I have a great deal of orgasms before he does and every time I do I end up clenching and he says its impossible for him to go without cumming (with me) for more than 20 minutes. He thinks its because I inadvertently do kegels all day long and that the muscles are too strong? Is that possible?

Also, sometimes I'll be messing around afterwards when he is still inside me and I'll flex so hard he gets stuck! And then other times I flex the muscles a different way and I can push him out. Are these two different groups of muscles? And can all women do this? Because he says that he's never met anyone that can push him out with just their vaginal muscles.

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Howard is correct. There is no such thing as vaginal muscles being too strong. It's not like you can have Arnold Swarnzpussy down there and get too buff. :P Not only will you be able to have great orgasms, but, if you ever decide to have children, your bladder functions should be less affected by childbirth, and, you will have an easier time with contractions and pushing. How is this a bad thing, odd, or strange? It's not.

From a woman's standpoint (who also does her Kegels), your boyfriend may not have been with any other girls that could do that, but that doesn't make you weird or odd. It makes either the women he's been with not doing their Kegels, or him being inexperienced (maybe both). I'm not saying that is a bad thing. Many women, especially young ones, don't even know that they can do that!

I too can push and pull my hubby's cock out of me, and can clench down making it impossible for him to get out of me. Plus, tat's what the muscles down there are designed to do. Clench and push.

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