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The Older You Get The Better The Sex?


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Hey everyone!

I heard something about this on the news this morning and i just figured that i would share it.


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I saw that on the news too! I think that is great - and obviously there is hope for my sexual future!

I believe the fact that older people are more open and willing to discuss, ask for and participate in sex that they find fullfilling is the reason why sex gets better and better with age!

Remember folks . . . it ain't over till the fat lady sings!!!

Thanks for the link!

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Great article, and I completely agree with Mikayla when she said, "I believe the fact that older people are more open and willing to discuss, ask for and participate in sex that they find fullfilling is the reason why sex gets better and better with age!" Things keep getting better and better for me and my husband of almost 32 years.

Another thing they don't mention is without the responsibility of young children, we have more time and less concerns about finding time. Also, with husband not working (he's disabled from the Army) and me a full time student but only going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it leaves more time to be close, both sexually and non-sexually. It's the best time of my life right now, and I hope things work out where I can just go back to work part time once I graduate. I know the long hours and high stress of my last job took its toll on our sex life and our happiness.

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