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My 1st Threesome...;]

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hi i have been with my boyfriend for 2years now and ive never been happier with anyone else in my life. but there is one thing that i have been wondering about.

im 18 years old and he is 21.i have never had a threesome yet and i have been Wanting to experiance one with my boyfriend and either another man or women. Now the thing is that my boyfriend is obviously more experianced then me in alot of things with sex then i am.and he has tought be basically alot that i know now with sex. which i love and im happy about learning new things from him.But what i wanted to kno was i hear alot about when couples have been together for a long time and then go and have their 1st threesome experiance together with another man or women.it sometimes causes them to go threw with the threesome offcourse but then either break up afterwards or fight alot and loose eachothers trust.ect? is this true? and is there anything that we could do to prevent this from happening.? because i want to experiance one so bad.and ive been wanting to for awhile now and my boyfriend knos this.but like i said i dont want this to ruin what we have rite now. because not only have we been together for 2 years but i am 12 weeks pregnant with his baby.we are very happy about haveig our 1st baby soon =] but i just want to be able to have a threesome with him without messing everything up with us.or couse us to drift apart from oneanother if anyone could please answer this for me and help me out that would be great...thankyou :rolleyes:



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I would check out the Threesomes forum, if you already haven't.

Things won't ever be the same once it happens. I won't say anymore than what's already said in that forum. It's very informative. It has the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in it!

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The main thing is trust, in yourself and your partner. Set rules. If you get uncomfortable then stop.

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Ditto both of the above sentiments. First and foremost check out the threesome forum. Also click the Sex Education tab up above to find a few articles that may shed more light.

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