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The first time I had had really good sex was when a man that I knew who was thirty years older than I am, kept asking me out, due to the age difference I declined from going out with him. Finally I decided that since I was moving out of town, who would know. Well we went dancing that night, and finally he took me to his house on the pretence of checking his phone messages. I said ok, got into his house, he started kissing me, and his cologne started turning me on. We went to his bedroom and he had a waterbed(yes this was back in the day) we started taking our clothes off, then he spread my legs starting kissing my lips and then started sucking on my clit. Well I had only one orgasm before this, so when he kept sucking my clit, I started coming, oh my what a feeling that was. Well he kept sucking me over and over I kept coming, then I started sucking his big cock and he got so hard that he turned me over and started screwing me from behind, man did it feel so good, finally he came. We rested for awhile then he started sucking my clit and made me come two more times that night. We fell asleep in each others arms. The next morning, he woke me up by sucking my clit which I came again, and he was so hard that I gave him a blow job and he came in my mouth.

Needless to say this was not the last time I saw him. We have seen each other off and on for the past years and he has introduced me to toys which he still buys for me. The sex is still wonderful, and one thing I have learned is never judge a book by its cover.

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HAH ! Many many many more years, Jenny07. I have finally found my best. My best friend, my best lover, my best person to help me with my poetry, just my best person ever. I get more respect, more honesty, more laughter, more encouragement , more new-to-me sexual ideas and how to's, than my three < yes, thats what I said > husbands all put together. Probably more bests and more things than merely these, but Im sleepy and its after midnight. I've known this wonderful man for 20 years, and , well, its a very long story, some of it is in my poetry. We finally were able to get together this summer, and I thought I was good in bed all my life, but let me tell you, I have learned a whole lot more from and because of him and because of my incredible drive to pleasure him in every way that I can think of. It is just incredible. I cannot believe how great it is , from salacious emails, and telling him what I want to do to/for him, on his birthday, to phone calls daily sometimes twice daily on his way to and from work, to his sharing calmly and forthrightly the thoughts he has when I call him, and how he wakes up at 0300 with my mouth on his cock, in his dream...incredible. I would have said impossible for a woman of 65 years. More fool I, this is heaven and I am loving it one day at a time, with multiples from masturbation and from my lover, and from thinking about him, or him thinking about me during the day...so surprising. I can now do my Kegel practice while I'm at work, and flip over into a " mild" orgasm thinking about my Mac, knowing he is likely thinking about me at the same time. He found my G-Spot our second time together...helluva surprise to me, I'll tell ya...lol...well thats a tiny piece of my picture, I have to sleep RIGHT NOW !! nearly 1:00 and i yhave to get up at 6:30. Howard, you are my inspiration. I wish I'd met you a loooong, and I do mean LOOOOONG time ago! hahaha see you all later. Cinamon

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