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Rabbit Pearl


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Vibratex asks you to “Feel the Difference!” Their designs are influenced by women who take their sexual satisfaction very seriously. Another winner they bring you now is Rabbit Pearl.

Rabbit Pearl is a dual action vibe, but I think of it as a tri-action because not only does it have the insertable “penis” and the clit-stimulating rabbit, it also has a section of rotating pearls to stimulate your inner lips!

This toy uses 3 C batteries (not included), which makes the battery pack/controller a hefty hold, but gives all the power you need (and then some!). The controller has two sliding switches, one to control the clit stimulator & one to control the vibration/rotation of the shaft -- yup, it not only vibrates, but rotates!

Now, normally, I don’t like dual actions where the shaft spins or bends. Truth be told, I haven’t found one yet that doesn’t hurt me, but this one felt wonderful! I only used the lower settings. I didn’t want to tempt fate & ruin a good thing! It felt like I was getting an internal massage.

I didn’t feel the rotating pearls, but I don’t usually feel much in the area where they were. They didn’t do anything for me, but they look like they’d feel great for anyone else!

Now the clit stimulator -- I felt that, all right!! For those who haven’t read my past reviews, know that I’m a gal who needs & craves high vibrations. Low & medium vibes disappoint & leave me unsatisfied. On this toy’s lower vibrations, the little bunny was luscious. I came & came! On its higher vibrations, though, I couldn’t take it! The power was too much for me!! I had to push my husband (who was playing the toy in me) away! We couldn’t believe it!

This is the first MOVING dual action vibe that has felt great to me. If you like your high vibes, buy this toy! You won’t be disappointed!

(Please note: I couldn’t find what material makes this toy. It’s a silky smooth jelly. To be cautious, I would suggest using a basic water-based lube. Also, I don’t believe it is waterproof.)

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How awesome that this toy worked so well for you! Thanks for the great review!

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Great review I too love high vibes and for a while i thought that something was wrong with me and my husband said No its just the high the vibe the better you are and the more you come so i really have to add this to my list really good view cant wait to share

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