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Jenna's Kitty Caress


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There is a lot to love about the Club Jenna "Velvet" series of vibrators. It's pretty exciting when you open a box to see one waiting there for you to play with. The "Kitty Caress" is my second one from the line, and so far it seems that it's right in line with the Velvet G. Namely a fabulous vibrator with one utterly incomprehensible production decision. This is what I thought when I opened the box...

Nice, inoffensive packaging - check.

Waterproof style - check.

Fabulous soft sexy texture - check.

Attractive and intriguing shape and color - check

Incomprehensible warning label..... check.... wait a second...

Why is there a sticker on my vibrator that could quite easily mean any of "Do not put batteries in the device," or "Do not insert device into coffee cup," or even "Do not jerk off while drinking coffee and sucking on a battery." There is no explanation for the warning label anywhere in the box, it's just a graphic element stuck to the outside of the base in order to confuse horny women. The equivalent in the velvet G was the paper label telling you which way to insert the batteries that _fell out of the vibrator when you opened it_.

Anyway, I was still intrigued enough by the vibrator to risk playing with it. I hid all coffee in another room and prayed to the gods of rechargable batteries that nothing untoward would happen to my girly-bits, since I am really quite fond of them. Then I put the batteries in the vibrator and... it didn't work. Ok, I thought, maybe the batteries are dead and I tried another pair... still didn't work. Those had been out for a while so I got a fresh set from the drawer... nope, still no vibrations. I took another look inside the battery compartment and... yup. Sure enough, it was another one of those removable pieces of paper telling you which way to insert the batteries. So I decided not to listen to it, flipped the batteries around, and boom. The paper had gotten reversed. Now we had vibrator.

All of that was a lot of introduction to say that the Kitty Caress is basically a nice, basic, waterproof vibrator. It's small and powerful, the velvet texture is wonderful, and you can feel a difference between the vaguely suction cup shaped side and the standard rounded side. I think it would probably make an excellent choice for a beginner vibrator, since it's pretty, not intimidating, and made out of my current favorite material for insertable toys.

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I'm still curious about the warning sticker, but I love the looks of the vibe!! Jenna usually puts her name on some great products!!

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