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Beyond 2000 Ultimate Vibrator


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Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Who loves the kitty? I love the kitty!

This dual action vibe, has completely adjustable pulsations, vibes, and rotations all over the place! The cock-looking part has a purple tipped head, clear veined shaft where you can see the 4 rows of metal beats spinning and rubbing. The base of the shaft is silver, and sticking up from that is my silver & purple cat (which looks more like a panther to me) looks as if it’s stretching to touch my clit, paws fully extended. Oh, let me add that the pads of the cat are nubbied, for extra grip for catching its prey, aka my clit! As you all know, I love da nubbies!! All of the moving parts are covered in a nice, rubbery material, that feels great to the touch, and has a very light “new toy smell” to it, which dissipates when washed.

All of which can be adjusted separately, with the 5 buttons on the controller at the base of this vibe. There are 4 rubberized buttons with arrows on them, 2 with ups, 2 downs. The right side arrows controls the shaft’s beads, the left arrows the clit. LED lights tell you which level you’re on, and blinks with the intensity of the function. The down arrows brings it back down, step by step, then shutting it off. The last button is on the left hand side, and it has 2 arrows that look like the recycle arrows. This reverses the levels. A lot to keep track of, but it’s well worth it. And, just a hint, that if you just one or the other, you get more intensity than if you use both shaft rotating and vibe at the same time. When you turn on the rotating beads, the head of the cock does a turning-spinning dance.

The vibe takes 4 AA batteries, not included, and the cover for that slides down, the battery’s places are marked which way up INSIDE the compartment, and you have to make sure that they snap in right for the back to slide back on. This toy is NOT waterproof either, so be careful when washing. Make sure that everything’s all dry before putting the batteries in, and, of course, no water/tub play.

Is the kitty trained? Does it like to do tricks? You bet it does! A little rub here, and a rub there, and I was ready for the whole thing, insertion was nice & easy. I got that wondefully full feeling I just love with its 6" of insertable length & about 1.5" diameter. Getting the 3.5" long kitty to where I wanted her, right on my clit, was easy and the perfect length. I turned up the vibes, and MEEE-OWWW! Those nubbied paws really feel so good. The “arms” are just firm enough to keep them right where you want them, and still are able to easily place them where you want them. Cranking up the shaft, the rotating beads caressing my walls, as well as the head spinning, rubbing, caressing, well, it was soon that I was howling like a cat in heat.

Yep, afterward the clean up, I stretched out contentedly, and took myself a catnap!


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