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New To Shaving

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Ok i'm very new to shaving and have never shaved any more then needed to for a regular cut swim suit. But over the weekend I took the plung and took it all off actull i took most off one night maybe what a dry electric would have enough that it wasn't going to leave me itch when i grew back mainly b/c i was scard out of my mind that i'd end up with a pussy full of nasty razor brun bumps, b/c i always always get them when i'd shave my bikini lines but i went and got some bikini zone sutff and it seemed to do the trick no bumps at all. but when i shaved the second night to get it closer and take it down to the skin it didn't go very close left about 1/4 a cem. of hair and dh said it about rubbed him raw. So tonight since it's been 2 days since shaving i was going to give it ago again and try to get it all gone and a smooth finish... i think i'm going to go get a higher quality razor b/c what i was using was a desposible 3 blade gillet razor new sharpe, ect but maybe higher quality woudl be better. Also i never went against the grain (is that the right term??) i only shaved in the dirrecting the hair grew b/c i was so worried about razor bumps and pain ect. but i didn't seem to get any so i guess the bikini zone jell worked very well. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!

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thanks nymph, i had read the artical but rebrowsed it. I'm kinda a major barget hunter and extreemly frugal person LOL think along the lines of penny pincher! LOL so i got a venus embrace today at CVS for $5.99 and also picked up a loofa sponge as i read on another site that could help out to. now hopefully i can talk hubby into shaving as well... <_<

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iha, thanks for putting that into prospective too... new blade every single shave!!! Got ya! I think i got such bad razor bumps in the bikini line before was b/c i'd always just use the same razor as the one i used on my legs and pits so i'm sure it got lots of germs into the pours and then i got bumps... since using a new razor i've not gotten any we'll see how it goes in the am after shaving against the grain tonight!!! Hopefully it goes well b/c hubby is off tomorrow night lovely 3p-3a work schedual sucks big time so his nights off are all good!!!

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I have found using a men's razor does a better job then a woman's. I just started shaving again after not shaving for a few years. It took atleast 2 times before I felt truely smooth. I bought some of the coochy shaving cream from too timid and it really helped.

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i have shaved for a few years now and honestly it just takes time and practice to get your skin and hands used to shaving those gentle parts of the body. i have found that if i wash my hair with shampoo and then rinse then i put the conditioner in and let it sit while i do all my shaving and that time while shampooing allows the warm water to soften the hair a bit and soften the skin, practice makes perfect and every one is different, but you soon will know exactly which direction and which way works best for you, and it always itches the first few times and trust me if you decide to grow it back you will be itching even more!!! (one of the reasons i havent stopped) haha have fun and an easy way to get hubby to do it, tell him it makes everything look longer and cleaner, its gorgeous to have a shaven man and no more stray hairs in the mouth either!!! ;)

have fun

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