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Hannah Harper's Waterproof Wabbit


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First impressions: had a somewhat strong new toy smell, and no instructions or info on batteries. After trial and error inserting 2 double A batteries in different ways, I figured out how to get it to work. Contrary to the packaging, the shaft does not wiggle or squirm, but it does have a pleasant hum to it. The rabbit, happily, is super powered! I like strong toys and this little bunny was almost too strong for me at the highest setting. Positioning the ears took me a few interesting and stimulating minutes. The shaft of the wabbit has a ring of bumps near the rabbit ears, and other interesting patterns and bumps near the tip. When I interested the shaft all the way, the rabbit ears pushed right up around my clitoris and at first I could hardly feel any action at all. I shifted things around a bit and suddenly, a thrilling tension began to build inside me--before I knew where I was, or what had happened, I was thrashing around enjoying myself tremendously….This wabbit does know how to deliver! Later, I tried shallower penetration with more concentrated rabbit ear vibes and this was just was effective although the highest setting was too much for me, which is a rarity indeed.

I enjoyed this toy--I was a little disappointed in the lack of wiggling at first, but once I actually put it to the test, the hum in the shaft was just enough to make thrusting pleasantly stimulating and the ears worked wonderfully. The shaft was a good width--not so huge as to make me uncomfortably full, but it wasn’t teeny either. The length of the shaft might have been slightly shorter so I could enjoy the full effect of the ears and the ring to bumps, at the same time, but the way it is, is quite manoeuvrable for a variety of women and still worked for me. The new toy smell decreased a little after the first washing, and since this toy is waterproof, it’s easy to clean with soap and water. I do wonder what the cord on the end of the toy is for--presumably to hang it up, but it also sits upright very well on its base. I have never tried a rabbit pearl, or indeed, other sophisticated rabbit toys, but I did enjoy my first few outings with the wabbit--it must therefore, be a great beginner rabbit toy. Also, it’s made of soft purple stuff, and I can never go wrong with that!

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Great review!!

Just to let you know, a lot of waterproof toys have some sort of cord at the base, so you can put it around your wrist, in case you loose your grip on it in the tub. EAsier to retrieve than loose it in a tub, shower, or hottub. Plus, if you're in the shower, they can hurt if you drop it on your toe (yes, this is from experience LOL...I'm a clutz), or you can break it by dropping it.

At first I thought it was word/letter play when you typed Wabbit, but I LOLed when I saw that it was ACTUALLY the name!! LMAO What a wasckally wabbit it is!

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oooooh, that's why t here's a string. i've never dared to use any of my waterproof toys in the shower or bath---i'm too paranoid i guess. can they really go in the tub with you, under water and everything? lol... i sound silly i know but i just find it hard to believe... perhaps i'll try it.. hmm.

Great review!!

Just to let you know, a lot of waterproof toys have some sort of cord at the base, so you can put it around your wrist, in case you loose your grip on it in the tub. EAsier to retrieve than loose it in a tub, shower, or hottub. Plus, if you're in the shower, they can hurt if you drop it on your toe (yes, this is from experience LOL...I'm a clutz), or you can break it by dropping it.

At first I thought it was word/letter play when you typed Wabbit, but I LOLed when I saw that it was ACTUALLY the name!! LMAO What a wasckally wabbit it is!

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Absolutely! Glad I could help. Yes, if a toy says it's waterproof, then it is. However, with toys that have remotes (on cords), the remote usually isn't. I always take my vibes apart after shower play, and remove the batteries, allowing it all to dry out easier.

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