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How Can I Get My Husband To Try Toys?

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I really only have two toys and they are only for me. I dont know what kind of toys would be good to try with him. Do any of you recommend any that wont scare him off? I'm, I should say we are beginners to this whole toy thing...not to mention to the anal thing...I have to admit I didnt like it...it was our first time...and it hurt...even with the lube.

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First let me start off by saying have you read the article Mikayla wrote on Anal sex ? Also have you talked to your husband about toys for him? Alot of people think that the standard bullet is just for women, well it isnt. My husband loved mine so much it wasnt intimidating at all and he loved me turning it on and vibrating his shaft and all. There are also numerous cock rings that men enjoy just as much as women. First I think that you and your SO should talk about it then browse the site togeather, see what interest him. There are lots of couple kits, male masterbaters. Alot of times people think that vibrators are just for women they aren't my husband loved my bullet so much he broke one by over using it. I hope this helps some.

Good luck!!!

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I'll try to have him go on the site with me...this afternoon after work and before he leaves for work and hopefully he sees something he likes...and isnt afraid to try it. I've never tried a bullet.

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I also would suggest spending some time getting used to using them alone first until you're more comfortable. Then you'll know how you like it to be used on you and can guide hubby's hand. Sometimes they can get a little too enthusiastic and work it too hard which can get uncomfortable or kind of drift off course and lose that "just right" spot. Don't hesitate to grab hold and kind of indirectly control the pace and position. He won't mind, he'll still have plenty to keep him occupied!

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Thanx for the advice Katprr and chloegirl, I just hope that when I do bring the toy to the bedroom he doesnt throw it away...its been about a little over a year since i had brought a toy into the bedroom and he didnt like using it on me...didnt like the pleasure i was getting out of it so he threw it away. I think I have to kind of get him into the idea of using one and not just surprise him with it...hee is a little close minded.

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He threw it away?? Why? Was he intimidated by it? I just think if he took it away because you got pleasure out of it is just wrong.

I'm sorry you went through that. My first husband didn't want them either. He felt I didn't need it if I had him. Now in this new relationship we're comfortable with them and they would never get taken away from me.

I'm sorry you went through that. I'd be ticked off.

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Darlin', I've been in your shoes!

I was introduced to toys when I was about 19, by my BF at the time, and I will always be grateful to him for that. Move on to years later, and several lovers later, most of which loved the fact that I enjoyed using sex toys on myself, and with them.

My now hubby was of the mind that one didn't NEED sex toys if you had a fulfilling sex life. Well, no, it's not like I'd die without them, but I REALLY ENJOY using them. They're fun. I told him I used them. He told me that he didn't care what I did with my "alone time", but he was adament about not even wanting to explore using them. We would go to adult shops, but he steered clear of the toys, and we just bought videos.

He knew I had a bullet, and a vibrator, but he wouldn't try to use them on me. OK, so, now, 2 yrs ago, I find TooTimid, and become a Product Reviewer. When I told hubby about this, I told him that I would be using and reviewing sex toys. At first, came the appalled "aw hell naw". But, once a few boxes came in, he saw what was coming in, and he got curious. Then came a vibrator that had LIGHTS!!! OMG, you'd think that I was sent some new video game!!!

Thankfully, my hubby has a great self-esteem in the bedroom, and is talented there too, and knows it. Though he joked about me finding one toy that would satisfy me more, I told him that no toy could possibly replace him as my lover, partner and friend, though it wouldn't argue with me or forget to put the toilet seat down in the dead of night..... :P He knew I was kidding, and, when put that way, he realized that his insecurity was a bit misplaced.

Now he usually asks me "what did you get this time?" and goes digging thru my Toy Box for some new treasure!

My personal recommendation would be to find a toy that has lights, doesn't look overly real (though if he has a light-up penis, this could be a problem! LMAO), and is a bit smaller than he is, size wise. There are vibes here that do that, as well as bullets too. Have fun looking!

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