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Slimline G Twin Creamsicle


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Slimline G Twin Creamsicle


My first impressions of this toy were favourable--it had no smell, it was soft and sleek, and both the egg shaped appendages on the shaft buzzed pleasantly, if a bit loudly, as did the shaft. Inserting batteries was very easy, and since it takes only two AAs but has two bullets in it, I didn't expect the vibrations to be as strong as they were. The egg on the end of the creamsicle vibrates more intensly than the clitoral bullet, but even that has a fine buzz to it at the highest setting. I really liked the texture of this toy--it's smooth and soft and velvety--very sleek on the skin. The creamsicle is very hard and firm, as most G spot toys are, and the bullet tip felt quite large (woo hoo!) when it made its entrance.

At once I noticed that the clitoral bullet was not far down enough on the toy as to actually touch my clitoris at all, when the shaft was in me all the way. However, since the whole shaft vibrates, I manoevered into a position to get plenty of clitoral stimulation. I squirmed around and tried to find my G spot, but as I am rather inexperienced in all things G, I didn't find it, and indeed, have never found it before. I am quite sure however, that the strength of the vibrations would have no difficulty in stimulating my G spot when I do find it, probably with the help of my husband. I imagine that the size of the G bullet will be very helpful with this as it's so big. Aside from not being able to find my G spot, the vibrations inside me were quite lovely and I enjoyed searching for my spot way more than I might have with just my finger!

I tried the tip of the toy on my clitoris as well, and while the vibes were quite nice there, I found the bullet to be too large and thus the vibes weren't concentrated enough, as I tend to like them. With more effort on my part--moving the Creamsicle back and forth etc, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to have a clitoral orgasm with either of the bullets.

The only negative thing about the Creamsicle is that the motor in the toy acts rather strangely when the pressure of my vaginal walls is around it. It didn't stop working, but it began to "putt putt" rather like a motorboat or motorcyle. Of course the vibes followed suit and while the pulsing was interesting, I rather think the toy was designed with constant vibes for your G spot in mind. If you wanted to explore your g spot with the option of clitoral stimulation if you're shaped for it, and could do it when no one was home (Creamsicle is rather loud) then this is the perfect toy--it's even water proof for worry free squirting action when it does happen!

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  • 5 months later...
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Stars: 5/5

Slimline G Twin

This simplistically designed toy really packs a punch, so looks are deceiving. Two strongly vibrating eggs at the slightly curved top and towards the bottom of the toy make sure you're getting enough pleasure throughout your experience. The egg at the bottom provides excellent clitoral simulation, provided you use elongated toys. The bottom unscrews to reveal the compartment for two AA batteries, (Which screws back on securely.) along with the multi-speed control. Depending on how deep you're using the toy to penetrate the vagina, it's a little hard to keep the top egg facing up to reach the G-spot. Your best bet is to hold it by the bottom egg for those kinds of situations. Other than the grip, I think this product has possibly become one of the favorites in my collection.

It's easy to clean with water or a toy cleaner and can be towel dried without leaving any residue and does not collect lint or hair when not in use if kept clean after every use. The skinny shape of it makes it easy to store and could be considered recommendable to beginners who want to explore the G-spot experience. It is also a very good addition to a collector of other G-spot toys. I personally do not squirt, but do not see a problem with this toy benefiting that action in turn testing the waterproof feature. Enjoy!

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