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Orgasm Balls Or Smart Balls

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Yes I know there are other posts on this, but I didn't want to over take someones thread.

Ok I've read a bunch of articles and what not on Smart Balls, Orgasm balls and Ben Wah balls. Then I bought a pair of Orgasm Balls. I was really excited and tried them as soon as I got them. Now the thing is these looked really cheap they were made of pink and white plastic held together with a nylon cord, which came out the end of one ball so you could pull them out. They also had heavy balls inside the plastic one which I assume were supposed to roll and give you the sensation. I guess. When I was walking around, and moving these were great, but sometimes I couldn't feel them at all. When I did feel them I really liked it. The thing is after using them several times, they acquired a smell, even though I washed them, and I decided to chuck 'um because I just didn't know why they smelled and better safe than sorry.

I'd like to get another pair. After reading another post I was thinking of the Dr Z's Orgasmic balls. But I don't want to have to throw out another pair. Did I do something wrong?

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I guess it would depend on what kind of material that the balls were made of, and if you cleaned them thoroughly enough with warm soap and water. Even the smallest amount of bodily fluid left on the balls or the cord, can cause an odor, and, you were correct to throw them away. You said it exactly, better to be safe than sorry.

Yes, the balls inside of the outter balls are in there to create an almost gentle "bumping" sensation for added stimulation. And, there will be times where the balls shift, so you won't really feel them. Remember, women have nerve endings only about 4" up inside. After that, it's really not much as far as sensations go. You can "feel", but not pleasureably so. To get the balls to move around a bit, and to use those muscles, do Kegels to try and get the balls to move so you can feel them better.

As far as your question, there is another thread on this, as you mentioned, and I would refer to that thread for the answer. Some people like one type, some another. It all depends on the person. And, with my experience with only 3 different kinds, the one set that I did like, caught me a bit off guard when it came to the orgasm. It was like BANG!!

My recommendation would be to check out the product reviews, and find one that sounds like your kind of fit for what you prefer.

Good luck!!

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Thanks Tyger-

After thinking about what you said I've come to this conclusion. Because these were just little plastic balls with holes drilled through I think fluid might have gotten into the balls themselves and caused the oder.

I'm going to go over things again and find what's best for me.

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