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Not Able To "o"


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ok, most of you know that i am doing fertility treatments, and that i am jacked up on a ton of hormones. My hubby and I have been having great sex, and a lot of it!! The problem is the last few times we have had sex, I cant reach climax. I get right there, to the point where i know im about to, then nothing, it just goes away. can the hormones really mess me up that bad?? i am getting so aggravated, and its starting to stress me out. i mean, it's been 10 days!!! im dying here

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What you are describing is called a 'null' orgasm. It is when it feels really, really good and then it just goes away, without the big 'bang' of the climax. YES, hormones can certainly do that - absolutely! When I was pregnant with my first child, I had lots of null orgasms and it was driving me nutso! I was always horny, loved to have sex, but didn't get the reward! It was really bad. No worries, it will return. You may just have to pull out your favorite toy and do it till it happens!

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Yes it's happened to me too, especially with me being perimenopausal. It really can be frustrating.

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Pinky, I too underwent invitro to conceive my son. If you do get pregnant and I have everything crossed for you that you do, WAIT until you're pregnant. The orgasms for me came without looking for them. I was always horny and the dreams??.. OMG.


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Pinky, I too underwent invitro to conceive my son. If you do get pregnant and I have everything crossed for you that you do, WAIT until you're pregnant. The orgasms for me came without looking for them. I was always horny and the dreams??.. OMG.


good morning sunshine :D

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Do you mind me asking what ones you are on?

Estrogen generally helps the sex drive, because testosterone is derived from estrogen...and the more T, well, whoo ha! But progesterone can oppose the estrogen effect, so i am not surprised at your post, but hopefully it will get better as your body adjusts. Good Luck!!!

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As I said it's happened to me. I explained it to my husband as climbing a mountain, and suddenly falling off. All lust gone, zip, zilch.

I know with me it's hormones. That and my mindset. If I worry about anything or think distracting thoughts it goes.

I also found what helps me keep focused in my own "zone" is to keep up a litany of sexy talk to him. I just really get into it, stay out of quiet mode, and I stay focused on me.

Also when it starts to happen is when I add in my own clitoral play, if he is doing it, I take over or bring out a bullet. Sometimes I just need a change of sensation to come.

But I hear you, it is SO frustrating when it happens.

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As I said it's happened to me. I explained it to my husband as climbing a mountain, and suddenly falling off. All lust gone, zip, zilch.

I know with me it's hormones. That and my mindset. If I worry about anything or think distracting thoughts it goes...

But I hear you, it is SO frustrating when it happens.

Definitely frustrating. I've been having a lot of the same problems since doctors have had me messing around with various hormonal birth control pills, all because of insane migraine issues. Migraines related to menstrual cycle lead to me taking birth control to have fewer periods. That not getting rid of all the migraines led to more medications that effected how well the low dose pills actually worked long term, led to higher dose pills, led to me with one seriously messed up ability (perhaps read that as inability to always "o". Which has never really been a problem for me.

I definitely find that the mindset thing is an issue for me too though...the second I get distracted POOF...it is gone, and my poor man, despite MANY reassurances, is occasionally very worried that it's something that he's doing or not doing!

Stupid hormones, frustrating indeed!

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Ladies, you may want to try this:

md0402main.jpg It's Viva Cream. And personally one of my favorite aids to use. I apply it clitorally and I have extreme orgasms with it. In fact I'm ordering another package this week.

I can't say enough good things about it, my review is posted on the link here.

This may just help you stay focused, like I said it happens to me alot, but I'm 45 so it more than likely is hormones and life's little stresses that take me away from my pleasure sometimes. But I do recommend Viva highly.

Good luck!

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You've gotten some wonderful advise here in this thread.

Hormonal treatments can really zap the body into doing (or not doing) some odd things. It's normal for all of these things to happen. Your doctor should've told you all of the side effects of these treatments. Usually, they give you some pamplets, or websites to check out so you can learn what you can expect. I would read them carefully, so you won't get so worried about all of this or shocked by what's going on. Ask your doctor in charge of the fertility these questions too. That's what they're there for. Trust me, they know you're having sex, so this shouldn't be embarassing to ask. I'm sure they've heard it all. And, your doctor will know best what may happen as far as these feelings and sensations go, AND how long it usually lasts. :)

And, I'm going to ask you a personal question: when y'all are having sex, is it to try and get pregnant, or is it to have fun and pleasure? Yes, yes, I know "fertility treatments", but, are you having sex with that goal always in the front of your thoughts? Even if you're chanting "get pregnant, get pregnant" silently to yourself, you could be putting mental blocks on your pleasure center. You know, pressure to perform? Men get it too. Failure to really relax can cause orgasm trouble.

Chances are it is probably the meds, but it could be a mix of both.

Good luck in getting pregnant, but remember to have fun with your hubby too! *HUGS*

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aiden, i think we have pulled out every to we own. i have used them on myself and he has used them on me...nadda...and i will deff look into getting that cream

pink..thanks for the hug i needed it :)

tyg...all the packages say is "sexual side effects" i figured it would lower my drive...wasent expecting this.

as for the sex is always good with my hubby, some times better then others, but it cant be kick ass every time. we have sex, not because we have to, but because we want to be with each other. there is no way that we can get preg. by having sex. between his issues and mine, we were told by 2 diff. doctors that invitro was it for us. there would be no other way, so we do not have that stress to worry about.

however, i think the fact that all this is going on with losing my "ability" , makes me nervous and afraid it will happen could be hindering things as well. my hubby is working a double today, so he pretty much told me to take the time for me. light some candles take a bath, read the steamiest book i own, or watch a video, and break out my toys. he thinks part of it could be, that im worried about his reaction to my loosing the mood, or that i cant cum. so, i have been ordered to me time.

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he thinks part of it could be, that im worried about his reaction to my loosing the mood, or that i cant cum. so, i have been ordered to me time.

He may be hitting the nail on the head to an extent here with that theory. From my own experience I found the exact thing he's suggesting to be true with me, but I didn't realize it until my bf and I had talked about it a lot, and until I had some time to think about it on my own. "Me time" is always less stressful, and a good way to help figure things like that out!

I know that for me there is always worry about my partner's reaction in part because he's always so worried about me getting something positive out of our experiences too (we're going to worry each other to death one of these days), but that's intensified because of limited time and the fact that, for now, everything we do is either via instant messenger, or the phone because of the distance right now. I know I rarely have problems when it's just me and I'm not worried about having to fit into a schedule that fits the two of us in different time zones, with room mates and parents to worry about, him needing to get to be because while it's really late for him, it's three hours LATER for him, and he has to get up three hours EARLIER, etc. When I'm not worrying about what he's going to think, about whether I'm going to cum in the time frame we have available (even better when there ISN'T a time frame), whether we're going to have as much time as we thought we were going to had, or when it's just me on my own terms and my own time. Even if I don't realize that I'm thinking about it, it's definitely there more when it's not just me!

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ok, went to the doc today, for a consult for invitro. my blood work came back all over the place!! he said thats most likely the issue with the "o" i haven been going through. so, he took me off of the prog. and est. and put me back on the birth control for 4 months!! i get my pills back!! yipeeee (happy dance) that way they can regulate me and get me back to where im supposed to be. he also said my insulin resistance is not so good, so he put me on metformin to help with that, that will also help with the weight. he said i should start seeing a diff. in about a month. bc pills=weight loss for me!! so yeah!! although it sucks i have to wait 4 mths to try again, we still have about 2-3 mths of testing anyway.

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Angel that's just good news about moving to a different med and getting your resistance under control too.

Just relax, do something sexy for you and keep going. I think the more orgasms we have the easier it sometimes is to achieve them.

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Angel that's just good news about moving to a different med and getting your resistance under control too.

Just relax, do something sexy for you and keep going. I think the more orgasms we have the easier it sometimes is to achieve them.

i just read the invitro, OMG what am i getting myself into!! i am flat out terrified!! the injections, the pills, the ultra sounds, the blood test every other day...and thats BEFORE the invitro. and it continues up till 6wks of pregnancy!! oh god, i need a bottle of wine!!

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i just read the invitro, OMG what am i getting myself into!! i am flat out terrified!! the injections, the pills, the ultra sounds, the blood test every other day...and thats BEFORE the invitro. and it continues up till 6wks of pregnancy!! oh god, i need a bottle of wine!!

I did IVF twice and conceived my son. It's not that bad :lol:.

Once you begin the journey you'll see and the injections are a piece of cake. And I was followed to 13 weeks, trust me it is all so worth it.

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I did IVF twice and conceived my son. It's not that bad :lol:.

Once you begin the journey you'll see and the injections are a piece of cake. And I was followed to 13 weeks, trust me it is all so worth it.

i know it is..i just had a slight emotional freak out..im better now :)

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Back on topic, this happened to me last night <_< husband was awesome for about 40 minutes, I came close, but no go. So I

pulled out the bullet, nothing. I tried Sophia, (she always works) .. nothing.

Again, I climbed that mountain and just .. fell off. :o it sure is frustrating.

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Back on topic, this happened to me last night <_< husband was awesome for about 40 minutes, I came close, but no go. So I

pulled out the bullet, nothing. I tried Sophia, (she always works) .. nothing.

Again, I climbed that mountain and just .. fell off. :o it sure is frustrating.

aww im sorry i know exactly how you feel. *hugs*

my spell was FINALLY broken last night. of course it gook one hell of a spanking and a tie up to get me there.

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