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First Impression

The box is very plain and to the point – nothing particularly exciting, just a box with the name of the toy and on the back a diagram. The diagram is awesome – I wish more boxes had them. It shows exactly what should be in there, what it is, and where the batteries go as well as how to open the battery compartment for easy battery placement. There is the vibrating toy itself, as well as two jelly additions.


The battery compartment is on the bottom of this toy, it twists off easily and takes two AA batteries. It comes with a tiny slip of paper that shows you what directions to put them in facing.


The scent is very strong, very rubbery and not entirely pleasant. I wasn’t able to get it to wash off, but if you can ignore it for a moment you get used to it and it’s no longer an issue.


I was very disappointed by the vibrations of this toy. At first it seemed to have some great vibrations, but when I used it they seemed to disperse through the toy too much and I couldn’t find a really good centralization.


I was really surprised during the trial. At first I expected this to be an extremely powerful toy, however, when I tried to use it the vibrations kept running away. Also I live in a dorm so my walls aren’t too thick and I’m dead certain those around me could hear this toy. It was incredibly loud; I would really only suggest this for someone all alone in a house or something equivalent. It’s painfully loud. After toying with just the rubbery nubs (there’s only one speed setting; it’s a nice one but I would have liked to see more) I attempted with both jelly additions. I found that this toy is really best for foreplay – and is it ever! I got so ready to go playing with it that I had to switch to another toy. I’m sure if I’d waited I could have gotten there, so it’s excellent for a long, teasing time, but I’m a bit of an impatient gal. It felt wonderful, so I’ll certainly be using it more for foreplay!

Final Thoughts

Overall I thought this was a fair toy; it wasn’t quite what I expected when I first looked at it but I find it’s a fantastic toy for foreplay and just general teasing. It’s awfully loud, so I’d only use it in a setting where you know you won’t be overheard (perhaps the tub, it's waterproof!), but if you are in such a setting it’s got those lovely tickling attachments for some gentle play. I’d definitely add it in as a prequel toy!

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Wonderful review. I personally don't like loud toys, I think they call attention to the fact that one is using one, if that makes sense. The nubby tip sure is interesting looking.

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Yeah the loudness was a huge moodkiller for me since I know how thin the walls are here LOL!

Yes, the attachments do feel different; the one with the wiggly edges was my favourite since it was all tickly. You have to remember to put the little clear cap on though, which I forgot to mention - I totally didn't do at first until I re-read the back of the box lol! It works so much better that way. Both attachments felt very nice, I preferred them over the plastic tip since they were more fun for teasing. The one without the wiggly edges with the funny vase-shape going on has a little cone-point, it's inside of that small opening at the top, and while it's not quite vibratey enough to do more than than tease it sure feels cool to put right on the clit since it kinda traps and teases. Honestly this toy is awesome for foreplay if the sound isn't unnerving!

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Great review. I would suggest that, if you think a toy is loud, duck it under the covers, ON high, and go outside the bedroom. See if you can really hear it, or if you have to strain to do so. Most people may not even hear it, but where you're right in the bedroom, it seems uber loud. I've had some toys that sound like I've got a blender going on in my room. Thankfully, we have our own house, so even if we have overnight guests, they KNOW what I do, and I don't care if they hear the toys! LMAO

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-gets up to do that-

I could hear it a little outside of my door... -cough- 'Course the walls are both much closer than the door and there's a heater well all have that runs through all our dorm rooms and carries sound of a sonofabitch. ROFL. That aside it may be a little quieter than I first thought, but for such a small thing it's still astonishingly loud! o.o

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