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Semen Analysis


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Anyone know how to go about doing your own semen analysis to make sure there are no spermies swimming around? From internet searches, it seems a 4-500 power microscope would do, but I haven't found too much other info. Do you just get a decent microscope and look at a random drop of semen? Do you need any staining solutions (no Monica Lewinsky jokes, please) or fancy techniques?

The reason I ask is I had a vasectomy several years ago. The doc said statistacally there was a one in 4,000 chance that it would reverse on its own, and that I should have a semen analysis done once a year to make sure I was still infertile.

Doing that is not a big deal, but it is a bit of a pain. Gotta call the doc (regular, not the urologist), explain (each time) to the phone answerer what I need and why; go get the paperwork; find a specimen cup that for some reason, regular drug stores don't seem to sell; get the sample to the one lab available in the area within some time limit (which I forget); etc.

Then the lab is always jammed with people in the waiting room, and grouchy sour grumps for worker bees. I have no confidence that they get to my sample in any kind of timely fashion, and so I question the test's validity.

Anyhow, am thinking of picking up a decent microscope to check me myself. Plus the kids could use the scope; the ones at the toy store are total junk.

Thanks for any info.

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Nowadays, a vasectomy is not only a 'clipping' but also cauterizing. The vans are cut, then cauterized, then stiched - there is less than 1% chance that this could possibly reverse after having this done. Actually less than 1% - don't worry!

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A good microscope will cost you $1000 or more. If you wish to go ahead, less than 10 sperm per high powered field means infertility, less that 3 means sterilility. Non-mobile sperm = infertility and abnormal appearing sperm also = infertility. All in all, your best bet is a test once/year if you are really worried. As Mikalya said, spontaneous reversal is < 1%.

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The doc that did the surgery could do the paperwork, but I'd still have to go to the same lab. That's how it worked with the post-surgery tests. But they don't seem to want to even do the paperwork, making a point of encouraging me to go to my regular doc for that.

I don't know that I'm paranoid, just trying to follow the doc's recommendation. He had said reversal could happen even years down the road.

Just an optical microscope, not an electron type; that would be way over my budget. STDs aren't a concern, and I hate condoms.


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I am very confused, all doctors are required by law to perform a semen analysis (if the patient doesn't go, it is there responsibility) after a vasectomy to ensure sterility. If this was NOT done, that doctor could be sued. You should have signed a piece of paper that stated you would not have unprotected sex until the ejaculate was tested for sperm, otherwise, the doctor could not be held liable. I am not understanding the issue with getting the test.

Also, there is more to sperm count, there is also mobility issues. You could have 3 sperm and they could be active suckers (it only takes one). Since sperm is left in the vas after a vasectomy it normally takes 25 ejaculations or 3 months to evacuate ALL sperm from the vas - this can require a number of tests to be 'clean' of sperm.

Go to the doctor, do it professionally, this is pregnancy we are talking about here - unwanted pregnancy - be responsible!

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All the required tests and notifications and okeedokes were done at the time of the surgery. This was 6 or 7 years ago.

And per the urologist/surgeon's recommendation, I've gotten the once a year test to make sure I'm still "fixed" (or broken?) and have always gotten the all-clear.

The issue with the test is mostly a matter of convenience. If I could do it at home at my leasure and spend 5 or 10 minutes doing it, I'd avoid a bunch of running around to have the local lab do it. I just wondered how involved the test is, whether any special sample preparation is needed, and that sort of thing.

I have seen microscopes for a couple of hundred bucks; maybe they are junk, but that's what I had in mind. Plus the kids could use it to look at blood and hair and bugs and pond scum and other cool stuff. But I would not do this if I had to spend $1000 on a scope.

I'm not that worried about reversal; just doing what the surgeon recommended. It's a reasonable precaution to take. (I haven't crashed a car in over 300,000 miles of driving, but I still wear a seat belt.)


I did a little more web searching, and found <www.fertilityformen.com> which has some supplies and info for home testing. I think I found this site before, but I either missed what they had, or they've updated their site with more info.


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The issue with the test is mostly a matter of convenience. If I could do it at home at my leasure and spend 5 or 10 minutes doing it, I'd avoid a bunch of running around to have the local lab do it. I just wondered how involved the test is, whether any special sample preparation is needed, and that sort of thing.

Have your doc just give you the paperwork. He can give you the cup at his office, too. The specimen is good for 1 hour. So you can produce the specimen and have 1 hour to get it to the lab...you should be able to drop of the cup and paperwork and walk away. Ask the doc how to make it more convenient for you. I appreciate that you don't want to waste time. The medical field has never been in favor of saving time for patients!!! :) It's not a hard test to do..just put a drop of semen between 2 slides and count any sperm that you see. It's actually kind of fun...those little critters are something to behold.

I have seen microscopes for a couple of hundred bucks; maybe they are junk, but that's what I had in mind. Plus the kids could use it to look at blood and hair and bugs and pond scum and other cool stuff. But I would not do this if I had to spend $1000 on a scope.

I am talking about a regular optical microscope but physician grade. Sperm are pretty tiny, so you'd need one with 100X. If you can find one for a couple hundred, you are lucky.


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