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Is It True When They Say "if You Don't Use It, You Lose It?"


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Is this true do you think. That your body if not having regular sex and orgasms "forgets" how to. And that less sex will make you want it less? Or more makes you want it more?

Just pondering... again.

What do you all think?

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We are trying very hard not to find out for sure!!haha

Seriously, I don't really believe that, but when we get older and you aren't getting any, you probably would think about it less!! Well, unless your a man!! We always think about sex or at least most of us!!



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I believe this is true in MEN. Just like any muscle if it isn't getting exercise it will become weaker. I think this applies if you aren't "using it" for a long time! Not like a week or 2 I am talking years! Not sure about women, although a Vagina is a muscle too. I find when it has been awhile for me though it is the opposite. I am like a maniac and my orgasms are way stronger! Maybe Pinky can comment on this one :)

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Guest eminatic

i have a long distance relationship, and i usually only have sex because he wants to, so when i am not visiting him i have no desire and usually dont even masturbate. i find that i forget all about sex for months or years at a time and have to make an effort to try to masturbate if i know i'll be visiting soon

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Do you enjoy the sex when you do have? Do you finish? You say that you do it because "he wants to"... How do you feel about that? I mean, do you feel like a sex toy to and for him to use?

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The truth is, the more fullfilling sex you have, the more you want. For women, it is a psychological need to continue to be close to the man they are with. ORgasms release hormones and those hormones keep us feeling 'aroused' in different states. For men, the more they ejaculate, the more their bodies want to produce, and in so doing, a man can actually get a 'tingle' in his genitals as his ejaculate is being produced. This tingle can cause arousal and a desire to have sex. (I didn't make that up, it is true).

Therefore, there is something to be said about having sex on a regular basis and not letting your libido leave you. There are other things that can boost libido too - exercise for one. The more exercise you get, the more horny you become. It has to do with chemicals the muscles release when they are used.

Now, as for the 'you loose it if not used' issue. Not exactly. What does happen is your body tightens up, and your vagina can seem very tight and somewhat more sensitive, and not always in a good way. You will not forget how to have sex or have orgasms, but your body will react differently to the stimuli.

Did any of that make sense?

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As someone who hasn't had sex in 8months, I have a lots of opinions on it. First I find hat i wanted sex and needed it more right after the last time i had sex. But now after a few months i don't really want it so much. That being said teh second it looks liek I might be getting it that's all i'll be able to think about. I still have Os but I don't do anything unless i absolutely have to. so like once a month if that. I make sure to stay on top of my kegels and such. I've gone a year with out sex and seriously after the first three months or so I could careless. I think it's more like riding a bike, you never forget but your not going to go to the tour de france unless you work at it regularly.

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I believe this is true in MEN. Just like any muscle if it isn't getting exercise it will become weaker. I think this applies if you aren't "using it" for a long time! Not like a week or 2 I am talking years! Not sure about women, although a Vagina is a muscle too. I find when it has been awhile for me though it is the opposite. I am like a maniac and my orgasms are way stronger! Maybe Pinky can comment on this one :)

I think it depends upon the woman. I do think that regular sexual activity helps retain your desire for more. But absence of activity may or may not cause a woman to lose desire. For me, the longer I went without sex, the less i wanted it. But all i had to do was join this forum, and just thinking about sex made me want to get back in the saddle...quickly! The vagina is a muscle and can be flexed with kegels..I've even heard of a case where one woman did so many kegels it caused her pain with sex. lol But the vagina doesn't become larger if it is not used. Like Mikayla said..it can become too tight after a while, especially around the menopause. I'm rambling.

Points i'd like to make:

The mind is the erogenous zone..the more it gets turned on, the more it wants to get turned on. The chemicals set off in your brain with good sex are quite addicting!!

The vagina can get too tight, but not usually too loose..unless you have 17 children like that women in Utah. Kegels help a lot

Absence of sex can make you forget those nice chemicals, but just thinking about it can get them back...masturbation sets off some of them..just feeling good makes you want to feel good more. Personally, the more I masturbate the more I want to! But for the full experience, i love to have a partner.

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I have to say for me the more I orgasm the more I want to. And the longer it has been between orgasms I could care less when I have another one. I don't think my body would ever "forget" how to orgasm, but I sure don't feel the NEED to orgasm like I do when I am having them frequently.

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