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Bleeding After Anal


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Hi all - I've been visiting and reading for a long time, but just joined to make this post. Thanks to all who have given advice!

So, my hubby and I have anal sex fairly regularly, maybe 2 or 3 times a month. We use good lube (Astroglide, thanks to this website), and have always started with fingers/small toy to warm up before we go with the penis. My hubby is amazing, and only does what I want him to do regarding speed, penetration, etc. When we do anal with his penis, I'm always able to take his full length, usally doggie style. We have several anal specific toys and use them for DP more often than just straight vaginal sex. I don't know if I'm an expert with regards to anal sex, but I'm far from a novice. Basically, I'm trying to say that we've been doing this for a while, and, as far as I know, have been doing it correctly.

So, here's my problem: Disclaimer - this may be gross, but I don't know where else to ask these questions. Everyone here seems so knowledgeable and willing to help, so I came here. Plus, the whole anonymity part that helps! So we had anal last Thursday. I had a BM on Friday, and there was no blood. But, starting Saturday, and every day since then, I've had blood with my BM. After previous anal sessions, I might have a little blood on the tissue with BM, but not much at all. Generally, for a day or two after full on anal sex, I can "feel" that we've been doing something back there, but nothing hurts. Nothing has hurt this time, either. However, there has been quite a bit of bright red blood. Like, turning the water fairly deep red.

So, before you ask, I've made an appointment with my regular practitioner for this afternoon. However, I just wanted to see if I could get some advice and/or opinions. Has this happened to anyone else? It's weird because there is literally no pain, none in my stomach/abdomen, and none around my hole with the BM. My greatest fear is that they're going to tell me that I can't have anal sex anymore. What will I do then?? My hubby feels terrible because he thinks that he hurt me, and I'm afraid he'll never stick anything in my ass, let alone his dick, which I don't think I can do without!

Can anyone give me some advice or tell me that I won't have to give up anal sex??

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OK, let me see if I can shed some light on your anal situation! Oh, and BTW, not gross at all, just part of life!

Bright red blood is better than dark blood, cause it means that the issue is low in the rectal tract instead of up high in the intestines or something, so for that reason, it is better it be bright red.

There is a condition that plagues many people called 'internal hemorrhoids' which are, as they sound, hemorrhoids inside the rectal canal instead of at the opening. You would barely know you have them, except when they get irritated, by anal play or harder stools. The main symptoms are bright red blood covering the stool, on the TP or in the toilet, specifically after a BM.

My gut instinct tells me this is what is going on with you. You indicate that you use lube (I hope LOTS of lube, the more the better) and never have pain, which is great. You also indicate that you sometimes use fingers. Make sure his fingernails are not sharp at all, as that can make a nick or cut. Also, are your BMs hard? If so, try a mild laxative for a few days and drink more water to loosen things up.

I would still get it checked out just to make sure, but I would bet that is what you are having. I don't think your DR will say no anal, but he or she will recommend lubricants and condoms and tell you to be wary of outbreaks - no anal then!

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I honestly couldnt say it better then what Mikayla has already said. I am sure thought that the Dr. will not tell you NO MORE EVER, with anal sex but may tell you to obstain from it for a little bit of time. Although I do know that I have had some similair experiances but they have never lasted more then a day. Although it was mainly my fault since I didnt use enough lube for that area, also I had no pain. I did end up going to my Dr though just to make everything was okay, and it was I just had a little tear inside my canal, no biggie.

Wish you the best and please keep us posted.

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Thanks, Mikayla and Katprr, for your replies. Frankly, I'm a bit honored to get a reply directly from you two (I've been lurking a long time)!

Do you think I could have internal hemorrhiods without any pain what so ever? Why do you suppose they would be aggravated now and never before? Do you suppose it has anything to do with having two kids in the last 2 1/2 years (who, by the way, are having popcorn for lunch right now so I can type!)?

Katprr - when you went to the doctor, what sort of exam was done? Did you have to go to a GI specialist, or just your regular PCP? Basically, I'm trying to find out if I'll end up with a colonoscopy, because the nurse mentioned that when I called in for my appt this morning. I'm not whining because I think it'd be uncomfortable (again, I'm used to things up there), but I'd really rather not pay for it.

Also, I'm 99% postitive it had nothing to do with lack of lube. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think we've gotten pretty good at this, and we have a pretty good idea when we need more lube. On many occasion, we've stopped to add more. I think we've got a good feel for it, literally.

The fingernail thing is a possibility, but my hubby usually keeps things fairly trimmed. There are times when his nails get away from him (the kids are sick and you get ZERO time to take care of yourself), but he's usally pretty good about it.

Sorry, I know I have lots of questions and you guys aren't medical professionals, but you're so helpful! You make me feel better, at least!

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Sorry, one thing I didn't answer. No, my BMs have not been hard lately at all. In fact, everything has been completely normal regarding frequency, consistency, etc.

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I'm not whining because I think it'd be uncomfortable (again, I'm used to things up there), but I'd really rather not pay for it.

LOL I have to say, that comment cracked me up.

About the blood, a couple of months ago, I had an issue where I had eaten something that made for a hard stool, and it basically cut me. I took stool softeners (non-laxative kind) for about 3 days, and just let things repair themselves. After about a week, things were back to normal again and I haven't bled since.

Hope that helps!

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First off, I have no idea what BM means, I assume something in line with Big Mess, or rather, a number 2.

I enjoy playing with anal, and I have some internal rhoids, at least that's what my doctor said it was. Often it doesn't hurt or anything, but if I am stressed, pissed at somethnig for prolonged periodes of time, then it might happen. Other times it is just I hear something dribbling during/after taking a dump, and it doesn't even have to be hard/rough.

It does turn the water amazingly red tho, but after watching out a bit, I found even a few drops can produce a significant result.

All it means for me is that I sometimes have to hold back with anal, take a break, cos I find that doing it anyways it might pinch a bit, which can be a bit uncomfortable, but might also be attributed to me being horny/impatient and not warming up properly.

Good thing you ask this question tho, I've heard a lot worse/weirder ;)

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Guest eminatic

you probably wont need a colonoscopy, you might need a sigmoidoscopy. it doesnt sound like a tear from fingernails because those are quite painful and irritating. like everyone said bright red blood is a good sign because it indicates fresh blood.

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For anyone intersted:

I went to my appt yesterday, and the doc said I probably had an internal hemorrhoid bothered by anal sex. We went through all my family history, any other problems I might be having, and my regular BM schedule. He said I was too young for anything "evil," so he didn't even examine me. He said the fact that the blood came quickly, and then stopped quickly (my BM [bowel movement] yesterday right before my appt had no blood) was a good indicator that it was an internal hemorrhoid that was just aggravated. Apparantly internal hemorrhoids have no nerve endings, which is why I wouldn't be feeling anything. I am to lay off anal sex for a week, keep him posted if anything changes, and I should be good to go. Woohoo!

So, thanks to all who responded. Mikayla - good instincts!

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For anyone intersted:

I went to my appt yesterday, and the doc said I probably had an internal hemorrhoid bothered by anal sex. We went through all my family history, any other problems I might be having, and my regular BM schedule. He said I was too young for anything "evil," so he didn't even examine me. He said the fact that the blood came quickly, and then stopped quickly (my BM [bowel movement] yesterday right before my appt had no blood) was a good indicator that it was an internal hemorrhoid that was just aggravated. Apparantly internal hemorrhoids have no nerve endings, which is why I wouldn't be feeling anything. I am to lay off anal sex for a week, keep him posted if anything changes, and I should be good to go. Woohoo!

So, thanks to all who responded. Mikayla - good instincts!

That's good news, I'm sure your hubby was as happy to hear that as you were.

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Yeah!!!! I sort of figured that is all it was - so just be careful from now on and when you have 'flare ups' be careful to refrain for a while!

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