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Velvet Impulse Vibe - Good Things Come In Small Packages!


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I always heard that good things often come in small packages...

I was a bit surprised with this one. I knew it was a bullet, but I'd never seen an 'on/off switch' like this one.

Shortly after it's arrival, I had a night when I was just too restless, and hubby was in a foul mood. (It's generally best if I just let him work through his issues.)

Anyway, I removed the wrapper, used my toy cleaner, and finally figured out the power button (well, mostly). At first, I thought I was going to have to report that it didn't work unless you maintained pressure on the on/off button. But, I finally discovered that you just have to get the right click to get it to keep the power on.

I was also thrilled by how quiet this toy is! (Of course, being hearing impaired, I may not be the best judge of that, LOL)

I noticed that this particular model seems to only have one speed - high and fast! Though I generally like to start low and slow, then build up to high and fast, I still gave it a try. Plus, it seemed fitting, since I really was just wanting a quickie anyway.

The velvet feel is very nice on this bullet. It also felt nice just held in my hand. The texture combined with the speed and intensity of the vibrations provided an instant gasp of pleasure as soon as it touched my love button! I'm not generally into 'do it yourself', but this toy may well be the exception to my rule. Like I said, this was just a 'quickie', but managed to get me off just enough so I could finish the other things I needed to do that evening. I do know that I made a mental note to 'try that again, when I have more time to relax, and check it out more in depth.

When I can more accurately determine the noise level, I may even try using it in a more public setting. The thought of putting that to work, while I drive to or from my massage is definately tempting! :P (I'm afraid if I had it 'working' during the massage, that people may wonder about the sounds coming out of the massage cubicle. LOL) ;):o;)

I highly recommend this product. The price is very reasonable, and as always, TooTimid provides excellent delivery service!

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Hey, if you could, would you put the link to it? I'm glad that you enjoyed it and the TT shipping experience.

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