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The Baby Or The Kitten


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SO i was hanging out last nght with my best friend, her hubby and their 2 year old Jeremy. They just bought a Simese Kitten (still nameless) and my best friend couldn't put the kitten down, she's in love. Towards the end of the night she started refering to the kitten as "my new baby" So i joked that the kitten had replaced Jeremy. Now the kid is two. He doesn't speak yet. SO i forget how much he really understands. The poor kid just kept looking at his mom an dthis kitten with the most horrified/worried look on his face. SO i scoop him up and give him a hug and tell him I still love him, which helped for about a second until mom starts cooing over the kitten again. Then ambles over to dad to snuggle, still not good enough, he keeps whimpering "mama" I'm dying with laughter. Rude and mean I know but it was just one of those sistutations. I my friend that she has just scarred her son for life that one day he's going tohave a girlfriend who brings home a kitten and he's going to freak out. More laughter. Finally her son goes to sit on mom lap but won't relax or look at her until she put teh kitten down.

All laughter aside (it really was cute and adorable) is it possible that she actually has started to plant some kind of complex in him? Or could he forget it all in a day or so and not hate kittens the rest of his life?

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While these things are humorous at times it is good that you also worry about the child. I doubt there is any long-term harm done but some kids do not play well with others. Iha may not agree though. I hope they watch carefully if there is a new brother or sister added to the mix.

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While these things are humorous at times it is good that you also worry about the child. I doubt there is any long-term harm done but some kids do not play well with others. Iha may not agree though. I hope they watch carefully if there is a new brother or sister added to the mix.

That was actually mentioned. I love, LOVE my best friend but they REALLY coddle thier son, which I'm sure I would too if I had a kid, but they had briefly talked about having another baby, but finaces house size, stuff like that changed their mind.

We never think about the things we say but I really think he understood the joke, just not the fact that it was a joke.

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Compared to young ones we are pretty dense. We have little comprehension whereas they soak in everything around them. It's amazing to watch all this happen. For some reason babies run right to me. Adults are intimidated like you wouldn't believe. One of my former tenants used to drive otu to my house in the country when they couldn't figure out their baby and she would run right up in my lap and kick back to watch TV with me.

But I can also scare them to no end. (True story here), I scared my own nephew so bad that he would not get within 10 foot of my for a couple of years. We were playing peek-a-boo over the chair that he and my mom were in and when mom got tired of him climbing on her she got in the floor to let him play. The last time he ducked down I got in the floor behind the chair where he couldn't see me over the top and stuck my head around the side by the arm. He looked over the top a few times before he loked me dead in the eyes and when I said "BOO" he dove out of that chair straight into grandma's lap. For about 2 years all I had to do was look his way and he would do a quick 180.

I finally won his trust on Easter when he had a penny from one of his eggs. I pulled out a dollar and told him I'd trade him. You could tell he wanted that dollar but wasn't sure about me. When his daddy told him he had to go get it he ran over, snatched that dollar then as he was running back he threw that penny at me. It took him a bit longer but he soon got brave enough to at least walk by me without too much fear.

It's funny what kids remember! But who couldn't love 'em!?

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2 is the age where my son had separation anxiety.

Your friend should hold him and the kitten. That way he feels he is not replaced. And lots of reassurances that he is indeed loved.

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Honestly, you do have to be careful about this sort of thing. I remember some really hurtful stuff from my childhood to this very day. I had early-onset trichotillomania, which is an impulse control disorder that causes you to pull out your own hair... I started doing this, I think, even before kindergarten, and for me it was the eyelashes I went for. It's something I couldn't help and really needed medication and therapy for, but never got either. I specifically remember my mom telling me one time that if I didn't stop I was going to "look like a frog", and when we were at the fleamarket one time she complimented another child's pretty eyelashes and asked if we could borrow some. I still tear up when I think about it, and although they were flippant comments to her they made me feel ashamed and ugly for years and years. I didn't start getting any confidence in my appearance until high school, and those two comments are largely why. Be careful with your children.

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2 is the age where my son had separation anxiety.

Your friend should hold him and the kitten. That way he feels he is not replaced. And lots of reassurances that he is indeed loved.

She tried both, i don't know if they have tried anything today i haven't talk to them. But he would sit in her lap while she help both but he would respondn;t until she put the kitten down. See now I'm concerned, like really worried. I love Jeremy like my own nephew and Rachel may as well be my sister, and I only want the best for both of them.

Synirr I'm so sorry. BUt I do want to let you know I saw your pictures and I think your goregous.

Thanks guys. I'm sure things will work out. My friend loves her son and I'm sure he knows that.

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