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Quantam Physics, Untested Theory Or Common Sense?


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If you took 2 sodas, beers, etc... out of the same package and shook one of them up and sent them rolling down a hill, which one would get there first?

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If you took 2 sodas, beers, etc... out of the same package and shook one of them up and sent them rolling down a hill, which one would get there first?

i dunno, but you can rest assured as soon as i find a hill i'l trying it. do you open the cans of soda?

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They both should arrive at the same time given they were set in motion at the same time and at the same height.

Mass inside hasn't changed.

GSK says that the shaken up one will roll faster and more reliably. He explained it but I forgot what he said cause he just got out of the shower and distracted me :P:o

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He explained it but I forgot what he said cause he just got out of the shower and distracted me :P:o

What a dickhead! LOL!

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Ok not distracted anymore :lol:

Any minute particle suspended in a liquid (or gas) moves chaotically under the action of collisions with surrounding molecules. The intensity of this chaotic motion is increased with an increase in temperature.

The main physical principle of Brownian motion is that the mean kinetic energy of any molecule of a liquid (or gas) is equal to the mean kinetic energy of a particle suspended in this ambience. The mean kinetic energy of onward motion < E > can be written as:

< E > = m<v2>/ 2 = 3kT/2

where m is the mass of a particle, v is the velocity of a particle, k is the Boltzman constant, and T is the temperature. We can see from this formula that mean kinetic energy of Brownian motion is proportional to the temperature.

With a random velocity, a Brownian particle will move in a tangled zigzag path, and will progress with time away from its initial location. Calculations show that the mean-square displacement r 2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 of a Brownian particle is described by the equation:

< r 2 > = 6kTBt

where B is the mobility of the particle, which is inversely proportional to the medium viscosity h and the size of the particle.



Which leads me to believe the Gspot is in Brownian Motion roflmao!

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Nah it's the squeezies. I was being a smart ass and found that online.

But the funny thing is he does think like that and does mathematical formulas to explain things to me that way :lol:

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Nah it's the squeezies.

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! So he's been p#$%whipped like a puppy? Poor kid! LOL!

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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! So he's been p#$%whipped like a puppy? Poor kid! LOL!

Now you say that like getting whipped with a pussy is a bad thing rofl!

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