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I just heard this and thought I'd share with you folks. Guys, baby powder is said to be the best aphrodesiac for women. Girls cinnamon is said to be the same for men.

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There was also mention of pasta dinners, walks around a lake or similar area, dark chocolate, and shoulder rubs for men to try!

Sorry ladies but there was no follow-up on the cinnamon!

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There was also mention of pasta dinners, walks around a lake or similar area, dark chocolate, and shoulder rubs for men to try!

Sorry ladies but there was no follow-up on the cinnamon!

Why sorry, all we hav eto d is make guys cinnamon toast and they're ready to go! men have to cover themselvesin baby powder, make us a nice pasta dinner, then take us for a walk around a lake while feeding us chocolate then bring us home and give us a back rub before we're ready! Sometimes it pays to be a woman!

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IDK if they were implying that we men are just easy(Normally true), simple to seduce or what the deal is there. We're apparently not as complex as you ladies.

BTW, gents the baby powder just gets a dab behind the ears (think granny Clampett and her vanilla extract here)! Don't cover yourself with it! That small hint gets women to thinking about babies and usually wanting one!

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I have an idea for you iha, and this may only work once so watch out. On payday walk into the room and throw your paycheck under the bed. When she goes after it tear it up. Good thing I'm with a blonde cause she forgets that one between paychecks! LOL!

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