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Self Esteem Poll


Self Esteem- The Ups  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your best feature?

    • My Eyes!
    • My Legs
    • My Mouth/Smile
    • My Hair
    • My Breasts
    • My Brains
    • My Charisma
    • My Tattoos
    • My Hands
    • My Feet
  2. 2. What do you do to boost your self esteem?

    • Shopping!!
    • New shoes, duh!
    • Total Makeover!
    • Sweat out the insecurities at the gym
    • Party with friends!
    • Drinking: even I think I look good drunk
    • Drugs: Self-Esteem? what's that?
    • Diss someone else (catty/bitchy)
    • Slut Around (promiscuity)
    • Eat, ice cream make everything better
  3. 3. What is your favorite compliment?

    • Are you wearing make-up? Your eyes look amazing!
    • You have an awesome smile!
    • Did you lose weight?
    • You are so smart!
    • That outfit is killer!
    • I want to motorboat you! (insert breast compliments here)
    • You have such a nice ass!
    • You are such an amazing friend!
    • Your so funny!
    • What would I do without you?

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Not to Hijack Sun's article but to go with it a totally annoymous poll so please be honest!

Don't worry! :)

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Not to sound pathetic, but I do not have one physical feature that I can't find fault with. This guy was flirting with me a while back (very innocent, no worries) and he kept telling me that I have gorgeous eyes which is one feature that I'm very self conscience about. OK, I guess I still have some work to do.

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Oh man I voted before you added all these :( Oh well...

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Oh man I voted before you added all these :( Oh well...

I was wondering why there was no vote for "New shoes, duh!" I thought for sure that'd be one of your answers!! :lol:

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Totally understand VB, I can easily find fault with every aspect of myself physically and inside. It has taken a lot of work, but I am getting better on that. I have made an amazing friend via internet who has helped me with that.

Thanks for the poll Suzy! And thanks Sun, for getting her motivated with your article.

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I like myself pretty well, honestly. I'm quite fond of my eyes, personality, brains, and tattoos :P

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Depending on the day, i can always find fault with some part of me..usually alternating body parts.

I don't do anything on those bad days except sigh and try to think about something else...positive..like an accomplishment, rather than an activity

too poor to shop..too lazy to exercise......uh, where's that positive thought?

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What is your best feature?

My Eyes! [ 5 ] ** [41.67%]

My Legs [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

My Mouth/Smile [ 1 ] ** [8.33%]

My Hair [ 1 ] ** [8.33%]

My Breasts [ 2 ] ** [16.67%]

My Brains [ 2 ] ** [16.67%]

My Charisma [ 1 ] ** [8.33%]

My Tattoos [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

My Hands [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

My Feet [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

What do you do to boost your self esteem?

Shopping!! [ 5 ] ** [38.46%]

New shoes, duh! [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

Total Makeover! [ 2 ] ** [15.38%]

Sweat out the insecurities at the gym [ 2 ] ** [15.38%]

Party with friends! [ 1 ] ** [7.69%]

Drinking: even I think I look good drunk [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

Drugs: Self-Esteem? what's that? [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

Diss someone else (catty/bitchy) [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

Slut Around (promiscuity) [ 2 ] ** [15.38%]

Eat, ice cream make everything better [ 1 ] ** [7.69%]

What is your favorite compliment?

Are you wearing make-up? Your eyes look amazing! [ 1 ] ** [4.17%]

You have an awesome smile! [ 3 ] ** [12.50%]

Did you lose weight? [ 4 ] ** [16.67%]

You are so smart! [ 4 ] ** [16.67%]

That outfit is killer! [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

I want to motorboat you! (insert breast compliments here) [ 3 ] ** [12.50%]

You have such a nice ass! [ 1 ] ** [4.17%]

You are such an amazing friend! [ 3 ] ** [12.50%]

Your so funny! [ 2 ] ** [8.33%]

What would I do without you? [ 3 ] ** [12.50%]

At the time that I read this poll and if I am interpreting polling results correctly, I find it sad that of the folks that have voted only 16.67% of women find that their brains (intelligence) is their sexiest asset, with eyes leading the way as the #1 asset. Followed by their breasts. Why is intelligence so low on the voting ranks. Do women really feel that they being smart is not an asset? :huh:

But if they shop, get a makeover and slut around they feel better about themselves. So basically they are saying, I'm not smart but the package looks great, so that's good. <_<

This tells me that the women that took this poll if being totally honest, see themselves as their brain ranking with their boobs as their second best feature to their eyes, and if they shop, work out, spend money then slut around they feel better. But I want to be complimented on how smart I am and that I am thinner, because I feel stupid and fat, that's how I see myself.

It shows me that they are perceiving themselves as a not so smart woman who has to shop and whose value lies with their ability to get laid. That defines their esteem.

The very thing women hate that men make jokes on. The jokes that say that women are money grabbing, with no common sense and their only value is on their backs. And then women wonder why they get the attitude they do from some men. :rolleyes:

It's not about getting the perfect body, or buying things to make yourself perceived as better or to fancy you up or how many guys find you fuckable.

It's about loving yourself and respecting yourself for the valuable human being you are.

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I like myself pretty well, honestly. I'm quite fond of my eyes, personality, brains, and tattoos :P

Synnir, I think you're extremely intelligent by the way.

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Wanna know something funny aiden? I wrote this, I added intelligence, and I voted for eyes! LOL I tend to think of my eyes first because you can notice that from a distance and as far as I am concerned my intelligence makes me who I am, so it's not just a feature to me. Does that make sense? And I'm a shop-a-holic sooo yeah that makes me feel better, about EVERYTHING too, oddly enough even about money. See that needs liek a specification becuse I HATE clothes shopping but i spend about 2 hours in borders....

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Wanna know something funny aiden? I wrote this, I added intelligence, and I voted for eyes! LOL I tend to think of my eyes first because you can notice that from a distance and as far as I am concerned my intelligence makes me who I am, so it's not just a feature to me. Does that make sense? And I'm a shop-a-holic sooo yeah that makes me feel better, about EVERYTHING too, oddly enough even about money. See that needs liek a specification becuse I HATE clothes shopping but i spend about 2 hours in borders....

I love to shop at Borders too. What I was trying to say is that we have a very small piece of the female pie represented here. We aren't polling thousands of women. We are polling whoever comes here and participates.

But what disturbs me is that women feel what is special are things that aren't. Body image is just that. An image. It's not what defines a person in my opinion. You can have what society calls the ugliest person and inside, their mind and their soul are what makes them beautiful. Not their perfect breasts, behind, hair or face. That's not what beauty is.

And your response makes perfect sense.

What also interests me is the women that seek out what they think men want. But the very things they seek are the things most men scorn.

I asked GSK his thoughts on this poll. And he said something pretty profound. What he basically had to say was society looks at supermodels as a standard of sexy and beautiful. Especially to the young girls. Supermodels are born they aren't made. You can take bone ugly, dress it, perfume it, and add all the trappings of hair colorants, eye make up what have you, and you still have bone ugly. Men are not stupid, they are pretty basic. They spot fake a mile away.

It isn't sexy. What is sexy is confidence, and men are really sick of hearing women complain that they are fat and they are ugly. You don't hear men saying that a third of as most women do. And men say it time and again, we're beautiful and they love us, as we are, and most women don't listen.

They're still wrapped in society's standards and that is really sad.

He has said to me many many times, you can have a gorgeous woman, and the first thing other women do, is pull her apart. She must be a bitch, she must be a whore, she's so perfect that something has to be wrong with her. And that is the biggest turn off to men.

Men hate fake. They hate it. So the best you can do is be you, otherwise you end up looking like a sad parody and it's entirely transparent.

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