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Is It Cheating?


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Definitely cheating and tread lightly because  your SO could be doing the same thing because they sense it and your feelings may get more hurt 😳😳😳

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I'm starting to wonder what some of these thread authors have as their definition of a significant other (SO).  A one night stand is not a SO.  A significant other deserves your sexual fidelity, no matter the gender of your latest sexual infatuation. 


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  • 11 months later...
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1 hour ago, Mill said:

How about a married man meeting a special woman on line a just talked to each other

What would you think if your wife was doing that on the side and you found out

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Texting is one thing, my wife and text a lot of people of we know, men and women!  Sexting is cheating which we don't do, that is crossing a thin line! My wife and I love used to sexting each other, especially when I'm out and about and she sent me naughty pics or  a sexy message what she would be doing to me if I were home! Thanks for this topic, I  might start sexting her again!

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I'm late to the party here as always but I'll just tell you about something that happened to me oh almost 20 years ago  maybe a year or so before I met my wife. I was head over heels in love with this woman I met and we both agreed that we felt we were finally getting back what we gave, by that I meant previously I felt most if not all of my relationships were pretty much one sided, me always being the more giving partner. We were laying in bed when she asked how I felt about us thats when I told her I finally felt that I was getting back what I was giving and our relationship wasn't one sided. She jumped up and kissed me saying oh my God thank you so much I feel exactly the same way but have been afraid to say anything. Ok so its established that we love each other, our relationship was one that would take a lot of time to nurture even though we spent every weekend together and some weekday and night basically when ever time allowed. She was going through a divorce and didn't want thing to get ugly with her soon to be ex but I understood and was ok with not meeting her family and her friends with the one exception of her brother. Well one night I can't honestly remember how the subject  of cheating came up, but she made a comment that has stayed with me til this day and changed our relationship. "Its not cheating if your not married" I felt like I had just gotten gut punched by Mike Tyson form that day on I never trusted anything she said and her sincerity was always in question. When I mentioned it to one of my best friends a girl who I had known forever and had no sexual relationship with, told me she's one who can not be trusted and if she isn't cheating on you already I can guarantee you she will. My friend did meet her a while later and told me that night when my gf went to the ladies room, My friend said look I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that  but she's a cheater I'd bet everything I own on it.  The relationship ended and yes even though she denied it, she was cheating . So the moral of my long winded story is that even something as casual as a random sex  even with a stranger that trust a relationship is built on is gone and gone for ever


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  • 1 month later...
On 10/10/2019 at 6:32 PM, Amy D said:

I'm starting to wonder what some of these thread authors have as their definition of a significant other (SO).  A one night stand is not a SO.  A significant other deserves your sexual fidelity, no matter the gender of your latest sexual infatuation. 


I have to agree. I think that the terms for relationships have gotten overly specific, people wanting to be in relationships too quickly, or they just want someone to say "it's ok to be with someone else if *****".

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Since this thread got bumped up, I went back and re-read my old post, about my wife fooling around with a girl a couple of years into our marriage, and which she didn't tell me about for another 8 or 10 years.  At the time it didn't really bother me, and I was about the only one on this thread who didn't feel it was cheating.

Turns out that was about the same time she almost walked out, a time when I naively and foolishly thought our marriage was in good shape.  I guess it was a cheating after all.  I'm a slow learner ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/27/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mill said:

How about a married man meeting a special woman on line a just talked to each other

Here's the thing, and someone already said it, would YOU like it if your wife was talking to a special man online? Probably not. There is such a thing as emotional cheating.

I stand by what I said 12 yrs ago:

It most certainly is cheating if you're in a relationship and it's understood that you're exclusive. Whether is straight or "gay" sex, if you wouldn't like your SO doing it with another person, then you shouldn't do it either. Sex is sex is sex. So is having oral sex with someone, giving hand jobs, and even kissing someone else (romantically, not-peck-on-the-cheek/hi-how're-you-soing? kind), is all cheating. It's being intimate with another person no matter what gender.

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