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Critter Interference?


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So, tell us one story that involves a favorite pet interupting either foreplay, sex, or even afterglowing. SHARE!!

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OKay so (btw this is me baccking off the board, lol) college beau and I were going to meet up, it was our first time seeing each other since i left and we had done the hot and heavy long distance thing. I drove 8hrs, sat througha alme party (next door to his apartment) waiting for him to get done work, FINALLY the moment arrives. I run (quite literally) to his door, only for him to open it on a pig sty. Fine, I can handle that after all it is a house full of frat boys, no worries. He puppy Tiff comes running up and barking, again I can handle this.

Off we go to teh bedroom, he shoos the dog IN teh room, cause i guess she barks if he's shut out. Fine, dog stays on the floor. Wrong. Whatever I'm not there for the dog. So we're going at it and he wants me on top. Hell no, he's a big boy and i'm not a fan of impailing myself. So we go to switch postions and i hit teh edge of the matteress, the AIR matteress and proceed to tumble off the bed. Immediately teh dog jumps down to make sure i'm okay. I bounce back and we switch spots, settling into a comfortable pose, then the cuddling started. That's right folks, as I getting railed by the owner, the dog is trying to cuddle. OK. Focus Sue focus on the task at hand, so to speak. Ignoring the burrowing furball, awesome sex. He pulls out and stands up, dripping, and teh dog is now circling his feet. I lunge forward, he looks at me liek what the fuck! "your gonna drip on Tiff!" He goe sto clean up leaving me with the dog, I start to redress and teh dog has now decided it's play time. She's on my back, on my lap licking my face and my arms, I'm trying to stand up to put my pants of and teh dog won't let me up. I just start laughing. Beau comes back and asks what's going on, i tell him and he is less than amused.

Oh well, his loss ;)

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Let's just say my dog's nickname is "vulture". She will sit on the bed and watch - before, during, after.. she doesn't care. No amount of shooing or pushing her off the bed will work, she comes right back. When I remember, I lock her out of the room, but usually we're so caught up in the moment that we forget to do that. So, she watches... and watches...and watches. Sometimes I'll get a cold nose in the ear also.

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Our female cat goes nuts when we start getting frisky.

She tears in and out of the room, up and down the hall, sliding on rugs and running into walls.

She is in and out of every bedroom, up on furniture, jumps to the bed, the floor,

just keeps going like she is frantic.

Afterwards, she settles down on the foot of the bed, huffing and puffing.

Never fails, ahe does it every time.

Sweeyguy says she never did this when the Ex lived here w/ him.

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Well, I just got a new toy. Had it sitting on the desk. Kitty jumps up and licks it.

ewwww, you win! hands down!

If i don't immediately resolve the bed (i'm a squirt gun I swear) our younger dog will eat the bed. Or panties if he finds them before laundry day (or aftre, he likes teh clean ones too) He also like my wet towel, he'll rub in it and nuzzle it and play rough with it (yes, rough as in sex) very odd. When I', drying off he just sitts there begging for my towel. Strange, strange dog.

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My dog is like a parasite. She loves me to death, and is asleep on my lap right now... she wants to be with me at all times. Luckily, she's also tiny (4lbs) and can't jump so I don't have a problem with her interrupting sex, she usually just goes to her bed and takes a nap when we're doing... um... adult activities. She seems to instinctively know that she can't get on the bed when that's going on, so she doesn't beg or anything. She does sleep on the bed at night, but even then, if we have morning sex she just stays at the foot of the bed and doesn't make a peep if we forget to put her down first.

The cats, on the other hand......

They won't interrupt during sex... again, they seem to instinctively know... but Diva will jump up on the bed with us and cuddle up against me as soon as the action stops. It's not that bad, but it's kind of unsettling when you're naked and cuddling together and all of a sudden there's this warm fuzzy cat body snuggled up against your back :|

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