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* 6 yr. olds laugh an average 300 times a day. Adults only average about 60 daily laughs.

* Frank Baum named OZ after a file cabinet in his office. One file was named A to N, the other was O to Z.

* All polar bears are left handed.

* Reindeer like to eat bananas.

* Rochester, NY averages 94 inches of snow annually & is considered the snowiest city in the U.S.

* You'll eat about 35,000 cookies in a lifetime.

* Nearly 80 million Christmas trees are planted every year. The average acre holds about 2,000 trees.

* The microwave was invented after a reserarcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

* During the Christmas Season, more than 1.76 billion candy canes will be made.

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holy crap 60 laughs is alot! i havent laughed once today and the day is almost over haha....

See!! You laughed!! LMAO

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Guest eminatic

i found out that polar bears were left handed from reading The Golden Compass (i know, nerdy) but i remember Iorek was left handed and they said that all polar bears were left handed XD

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Reading is NEVER nerdy!! LOL I LOOOOOOOOOOVE to read!! I wish I had more time to do so! But, I make sure that my laughing child (LOL) sees me read often enough where she knows that it's ok to do.

So, what, now it's down to 57 times left? ;)

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Well, every time I shake hands with a polar bear, (s)he uses her left hand. Unfortunately, I no longer have a left hand to shake hands with a polar bear (you can only do it once, MAYBE twice).

Hhaha - quick.

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I know I laugh at least 60 times a day, but I am blonde and easily amused!

I am also left handed, really!!

A Polar bear walks into a bar and the bartender asks what he will have.

The polar bear says "I'll have a rum and, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, coke"

The bartender brings him his drink and says "Can I ask you something? Why the big pause?"

The Polar bear shrugs and says "Oh, I don't know, I was born with them!"


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I know I laugh at least 60 times a day, but I am blonde and easily amused!

I am also left handed, really!!

A Polar bear walks into a bar and the bartender asks what he will have.

The polar bear says "I'll have a rum and, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, coke"

The bartender brings him his drink and says "Can I ask you something? Why the big pause?"

The Polar bear shrugs and says "Oh, I don't know, I was born with them!"



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