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Mutual Orgasms


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I realize mutual orgasms happen mostly in novels, but my partner and I have experienced one and would like to have more. Any suggestions (positions, techniques, etc.) that have proven successful for others? We are both 69 years old and share a wonderful love and sex life, so we're not burdened with "hangups". Thanks for any suggestions.

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That was a long answer by Howard! First, let me congratulate you....69 years old and having a great sex life...wonderful and definitely MY goal as well! :P

I have found that the best way for me to cum with my hb is to be in the missionary position, with my butt on a pillow, and my pelvis grinding up against my hubby. This seems to work the best for those similtaneous orgasms AND multiples, and as I disagree with Howard...I have had many similtaneous orgasms with my hubby - I am not sure if luck plays into it much!

What seems to do it is, when my hb tells me he is getting close, if I am not close, or if I have just cum, I play with my tits until I get really close, then I thrust my clit up against his pelvic bone and as he fucks me, he rubs on my clit and my hormones seem to get him off and we almost always will cum together - if I start to cum first, the hormone blast combined with my PC muscles contracting will get him going with me then anyway!

I would suggest that way! Works 9 times out of 10 for us!

Have fun, and by GOD, keep having SEX!


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T...69 years old and having a great sex life...wonderful and definitely MY goal as well! :P

Have fun, and by GOD, keep having SEX!


I hope I am too!! If my sex drive is anything like my deceased father, he and my mom had sex at least 3 times a week before he died at age 68. My mom said that was 1 thing she missed after he passed...all the SEX!!! :lol:

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I hope I am too!! If my sex drive is anything like my deceased father, he and my mom had sex at least 3 times a week before he died at age 68. My mom said that was 1 thing she missed after he passed...all the SEX!!! :lol:

Well, that explains a lot about you CL! :lol:

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