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Sexy Vitamin B3


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Sexy Vitamin B3

by Lynn A. Anderson

Posted January 18, 2009 3:36 PM

Posted in Health & Wellness Health body mind Health nutrition sexuality spirituality yoga

Sex is a powerful drive that is enhanced by our health. The foods we eat as well as exercise and healthy lifestyle habits can greatly influence the stamina and pleasure of our sexual selves. B3 is an essential vitamin when it comes to healthy sex.

B3 comes in two forms; niacin and niacin amide. Our bodies can make niacin amide from tryptophan and amino acid found in foods such a chicken and turkey. Vitamin B3 is a coenzyme in several important biochemical functions, particularly those needed to maintain healthy skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system.

Vitamin B3 is also used by the body in the metabolism of lipids. It seems recent research suggest that niacin (vitaminB3) may treat high levels of cholesterol. High cholesterol and medicines used to treat it definitely have an effect on our sexual energy.

Early symptoms of niacin deficiency that appear in the nervous system are irritability, apprehension, depression, weakness, and loss of memory. Many practitioners use niacin and niacin amide alone or in conjunction with other medications to treat mental disorders; however this use is controversial. Mental disorders can have a profound effect on our sexual energy.

B3 in the form of niacin is a vasodilator. Since vasodilators widen the blood vessels and increase blood flow to the extremities niacin is used for circulatory problems. Niacin is the basis behind Viagra. Niacin therefore is an erotic vitamin because it enhances the sexual pleasure for both males and females.

Niacin causes the blood vessels closest to the skin to widen and fill with blood. The result is a warm tingling feeling that extends from the neck and the ears to the torso and down to the lower torso and genital region. The niacin induced effect makes the skin feel more alive and sensitive to the touch which helps to heighten the physical sensation of love making. This erotic vitamin helps oxytocin (the touch peptide) do its job by heightening the sensation of touch.

Good food sources for Vitamin B3 include; meat, fish, milk and cheese, whole wheat, corn, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes, peanuts and carrots.

Vitamin B3 is just one of the important essential vitamins and minerals that support a healthy sex system. If you eat a healthy diet and supplement with a multivitamin you probably are getting adequate B3. Make sure to include the above list of foods into your daily diet to keep you amorous and sexy because as the commercial says, “For when the time is right.”

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*poof* on my grocery list!

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This is a very interesting article. I have taken niacin to lower my cholesterol. So I was on pretty high doses. I disagree with the "warm, tingly feeling". It feels like your skin is on fire---the worst hot flash of your life! Always take niacin with food.

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