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Shaving Down There


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When I do shave I use a brand new razor and sensitive skin shaving cream. First I trim the hair, no sense trying to shave off the full bush right? Usually I shampoo and condition the hair next. I know a waste of conitioner right? Well it seems to make a HUGE difference to me. Then I lather up with the shaving cream and set to work. I shave with the grain to start and very lightly shave against the grain to get it nice and smooth. once i have all of the hair gone (or damn near, let's face it some of the nooks and cranies are hard to get to!) I gentle exfoliate all the dead skin and and other post shaving crude. It also helps make sure any of residue from the shampoo, conditioner and shaving cream is gone. If I do get in grown hairs I pluck them out apply a little neosporian and a small bandaid (i do want fuzzies from my clothes getting in there, yeck!) If I go through the whole ritual i get very few bumps or ingrown hairs. IF I skip most of it lik ei do with just my bikini lines, I'm in for several in grown hairs and nasty razor burn.

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Thanks for the tips guys. I tried a new technique, and I must say, it worked like a charm!! I don't have that post-shave day stubble, and even though my shave wasn't nearly as close, there was no irritation! I figured it had something to do with using my hubby's 5-blade for down there. Sure as shit, I bought a pack of the "silky touch" 2 bladed razors and went to town with some hair conditioner (Thank you Eminatic) and it worked great! I also bought some of the gel-to-powder stuff that monistat makes to help avoid chafing and irritation from shaving, and I must say, it was a great investment. I think I'm still going to try the waxing thing, but for the time being, this will be a great temporary routine!

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Guest eminatic

oh! i totally forgot to mention the monistat stuff! you're talking about the "chafing relief powder-gel" right? did you know it is made of dimethicone, the main ingredient in foundation primer? it is VERY popular among makeup artists as a primer. :lol:

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When I do shave I use a brand new razor and sensitive skin shaving cream. First I trim the hair, no sense trying to shave off the full bush right? Usually I shampoo and condition the hair next. I know a waste of conitioner right? Well it seems to make a HUGE difference to me. Then I lather up with the shaving cream and set to work. I shave with the grain to start and very lightly shave against the grain to get it nice and smooth. once i have all of the hair gone (or damn near, let's face it some of the nooks and cranies are hard to get to!) I gentle exfoliate all the dead skin and and other post shaving crude. It also helps make sure any of residue from the shampoo, conditioner and shaving cream is gone. If I do get in grown hairs I pluck them out apply a little neosporian and a small bandaid (i do want fuzzies from my clothes getting in there, yeck!) If I go through the whole ritual i get very few bumps or ingrown hairs. IF I skip most of it lik ei do with just my bikini lines, I'm in for several in grown hairs and nasty razor burn.

WOW! Does it take you a full day to get all the steps in? :P

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lol I got it down now. Obviously the actual shaving takes the longest. But now you know why i only shaved once in a blue moon!

I just read the farmer almanac, we're suppose to have at least 100 blue moons between now and Sept. :D

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oh! i totally forgot to mention the monistat stuff! you're talking about the "chafing relief powder-gel" right? did you know it is made of dimethicone, the main ingredient in foundation primer? it is VERY popular among makeup artists as a primer. :lol:

Yep, that's the one!! And it works wonders!

Haha!! How cool is that? I didn't realize I was using something similar to foundation primer! lmao Does that mean you can use it on your face? hahahaha :lol: Ahh you learn something new everyday.

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Guest eminatic
Yep, that's the one!! And it works wonders!

Haha!! How cool is that? I didn't realize I was using something similar to foundation primer! lmao Does that mean you can use it on your face? hahahaha :lol: Ahh you learn something new everyday.

yep :D indeed, many women and makeup artists use it on the face. dimethicone is a very special silicone, because it allows oxygen to pass through it, so it does not smother or clog pores. so what it does is keeps a barrier between your skin and your makeup, keeps oil from your skin from getting into your makeup and keeps your makeup from being absorbed into your skin. resulting in your makeup staying on longer and staying truer to its original color. and it also makes your skin feel SUPER smooth :lol:

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My daughter asked me about Nair for bikini area. Any on know anything about it? I only pay for her waxes when she's home. So when she's away at school she would like to do something other than shave.

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My daughter asked me about Nair for bikini area. Any on know anything about it? I only pay for her waxes when she's home. So when she's away at school she would like to do something other than shave.

They have a line just for bikini areas but do NOT use it one your lady parts, that shit burns. LOL but for the lines it is fine, even the stuff for your face just be careful not to get it anywhere you are "sensitive"

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They have a line just for bikini areas but do NOT use it one your lady parts, that shit burns. LOL but for the lines it is fine, even the stuff for your face just be careful not to get it anywhere you are "sensitive"

Thanks Suzy. She has very sensitive skin.

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Thanks Suzy. She has very sensitive skin.

Definitely get the stuff for the bikini area then and use a good like exfoliante after to get all the residue off the skin and some nice and soothing lotion.

alslo by "sensitive" i meant her really girly parts. they have nair for sensitive skin though. I should say though that pretty much everyone I know who has used it has some kind of a reaction (usually just red skin that clears up in no time) simply because of the harsh chemicals in it.

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Guest eminatic

also, beware of nair (or depilitories in general)....as i discovered it is possible to use it many times and be fine...then suddenly have a reaction for no apparent reason. you could burn yourself really bad with that stuff...not to mention it SMELLS horrible. nair can be used around the edges but cannot be used to get rid of the whole thing

burns can range from a mild rash to some very serious chemical burns. thats why they recommend doing a test patch (though as i mention having no effects on the test site does not guarantee that you are safe) i've also heard that nair doesnt work very well on course hair but i've never tried it there so im not sure

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also, beware of nair (or depilitories in general)....as i discovered it is possible to use it many times and be fine...then suddenly have a reaction for no apparent reason. you could burn yourself really bad with that stuff...not to mention it SMELLS horrible. nair can be used around the edges but cannot be used to get rid of the whole thing

burns can range from a mild rash to some very serious chemical burns. thats why they recommend doing a test patch (though as i mention having no effects on the test site does not guarantee that you are safe) i've also heard that nair doesnt work very well on course hair but i've never tried it there so im not sure

I think I'll steer her away from all of these. She'll stick to shaving until she can get home.

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yep :D indeed, many women and makeup artists use it on the face. dimethicone is a very special silicone, because it allows oxygen to pass through it, so it does not smother or clog pores. so what it does is keeps a barrier between your skin and your makeup, keeps oil from your skin from getting into your makeup and keeps your makeup from being absorbed into your skin. resulting in your makeup staying on longer and staying truer to its original color. and it also makes your skin feel SUPER smooth :lol:

Too cool!! I'm SOO gonna go buy another tube of that stuff!! What a brilliant idea to use that kind of material beneath makeup, wow, I really would have never guessed to do that, **jumps up and down** LOL :lol: Hehehe I'm so terribly easy to amuse! :-P

It definitely makes the skin smooth as a baby's butt, that's for sure!! I use it everywhere it seems, well, at least everywhere that I shave! LOL I'm suprised the store doesn't have more of it, just one little batch of them, close to the bottom shelf...it's a well-kept secret.

Ladies, it's well-worth the $6, so go out and buy some of the Monistat Anti-Chafing Powder-Gel...it's fantastic and multi-functional (as Eminatic so eloquently demonstrated) LOL

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Guest eminatic

lol u know whats wierd, i never thought about using it after shaving :lol: i bought it specifically for a primer but i also like to use it on the spot where the underwire on my bras end because the corner always seems to leave a mark of rough skin there.

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lol u know whats wierd, i never thought about using it after shaving :lol: i bought it specifically for a primer but i also like to use it on the spot where the underwire on my bras end because the corner always seems to leave a mark of rough skin there.

Wow, That happens with one of my girls too. Thanks.

Monistat Anti-Chafing Powder-Gel -- infections, primers and soft skin.....

Any ad. people out there, this is to good.

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i use just a very small amount of conditioner and use lotion AS SOON as i dry off. this seems to make the hair grow slower, unfortunately in my experience you can't shave as soon as the hair starts coming back, in my case the hair is just too thick and thats when i get the worst shaving bumps cuts and ingrowns. I have tried waxing and this last pretty well but its very hard to do on your own and i haven't yet found the courage (of extra money) to get it professionally done

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