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I would like to know if anyone on here has ever heard of or had Bacterial Vaginosis? If so, I need your help. All of this is so embarrassing, and I am having a hard time dealing with it.

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I just looked it up on the CDC website. It seems as if it might be easily treated. There are two different antibiotics they recommend for it (metronidazole or clindamycin), and both can even be taken by pregnant women. You just have to go to the doctor, get tested, and then take the prescription. The site says that BV increases the chances for getting or giving HIV, but that generally, it's not much of a problem in and of itself for male partners. However, it can be spread between females. Whatever you do, it is highly recommended to NOT douche.

Now, what kind of help are you looking for? And don't worry about being embarrassed; it happens. ;)

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Having BV - Bacterial Vaginosis/Vaginitis is nothing to be embarressed about!! It is not an STD. It is essentially an overgrowth of the bacteria that is normally found in the vagina. There are many things that can cause BV - stress, your menses, rectal to vaginal contamination (that's why it's important to wipe front to back and not use toys rectally and then vaginally), early pregnancy, douching (yes douching since is can upset the normal bacterial balance or ph of the vagina), a yeast infection, to name a few.

Most women experience BV at some point in their life and many women get repeated bouts (a real frustration). The symptoms can be subtle (an increase in vaginal discharge) to very bothersome (irritation or burning sensation in the vagina). It is common to have a yeast infection and BV together.

We all have bacteria and yeast in our vagina - it a normal part of the vaginal flora and is protective in some ways. BV occurs when the bacteria multiply in excess thus setting up a vaginal infection. It can be treated by an oral medication (pills) or by a antibiotic cream - you do need a presciption for either of them.

So please don't be embarressed - just get seen and get treated.

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Yes, I've had it, and it's NOTHING to be embarrassed about. It happens. It's like getting a cold, or a bruise. If you're a woman, chances are, you will get some sort of UTI, yeast, and bacterial infection at least once in your life. So, no, it doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself. These things happen.

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Thanks Ladies. I have never heard of this before, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I have went to the doctor. I am on my 2 round of antibiotics, and those cause a yeast infection. All of this has seemed to make me real self conscious of my smell and the discharge is white. I seem to have lost my desire because of it. I can still get off, but it takes so much longer.

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I'm surprised your doctor didn't tell you to abstain from any sexual activity (inlcluding masturbation) until this is cleared up. That's what my doctor told me when I had it. Also, if you HAVE had sex with your BF/SO, he should get some antibiotics too, because men can carry them, and pass it back to you.

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He didn't say anything like that to me at all!!!! I am shocked. I will be calling my doctor on Monday and asking about this. Men carry it too? Do you happen to know the sympthons for them? Thanks so much.

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Most men won't have symptoms, especially like what we do. However, like a yeast infection, it's better to abstain from any sexual activity (unless you just give him a BJ). No fingering, petting, actual sex, or masturbation for the woman. Yeast infections have also been known to be passed back & forth too. With any sort of "womanly" infection, it's usually recommended NOT to participate in any sexual activities until you are done your medications AND symptom free.

If your doctor isn't filling you in completely, and researching WHY you need a second round of medications, I'd seriously consider switching to a better, more informing doctor, but that's my honest opinion. I'd call your doctor's office NOW, BTW.

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I would call right now, but they close at noon on Fridays. Thanks for the info. I just started my second round last night, so you are saying no sex till I get done taking them. Good on him, he loves BJ I don't mind giving them either. I will post information i get on Monday. I feel better about this now.

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Web MD infor on Bacterial Vaginosis

I looked it up on Web MD for you. Please NEVER substitute medical help for web advice, but I do recommend researching medical issues on several sites, so you can get more info.

"Bacterial Vaginosis - What Increases Your Risk

Factors that increase your risk of getting bacterial vaginosis include:

Starting sexual activity at a young age.

Having multiple sex partners.

Having a female sex partner.5



Although bacterial vaginosis can be triggered by or get worse from sexual activity, it does not appear to be an infection that is passed from man to woman. Therefore, experts do not consider bacterial vaginosis to be a male-female sexually transmitted disease. It is possible but not proven that bacterial vaginosis is passed from woman to woman during sexual contact."

This means it's not passed on during sexual contact, making it an STD, however, I've always been told by my doctors that, when experiencing any sort of infection *down there*, to abstain.

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Appreciate the time and effort you have put forth to help me. As for as the risk. My first time was at 16, I do smoke, I don't douche, and I was married for 14 years and never cheated on him, and have been with my boyfriend since my divorce and no one else. I have never been with another women. This is odd then, to me. I have had a hysterectomy, and wow, that has changed things. Some good, some bad. Maybe it's stress, I have a son that is causing me big time trouble. Thanks again, you are great!!! :D

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These things happen. I had a bacterial infection in December. It took two courses of antibiotics to clear up. My doc couldn't tell me why it didn't clear the first time, but it didn't. He always gives me Diflucan when I start antibiotics to prevent the yeast infection that goes along with antibiotics. Refraining from sexual activity (for you) is always a good idea. It helps so that the vagina doesn't get irritated, and the bacteria can't find little crevices to hide in and survive...

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