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Hey all just thought i wud introduce myself here! im hayley and im 19..... i am not the most sexually experienced person.... very shy unless im inebriated!

Despite that im a darkhorse, a closet sexual deviant with a very open mind and vivid imagination! :P

im very curious bout bondage and kinky stuff such as role play etc maybe even some s&m!

Personality wise, i am eccentric and wild wen around ppl i knw/trust, i say wat i think and have a dry witty soh...... erm, my life consists of listening to music, obsessing over a dead rockstar and constantly seeking my personal peace!

well i wont go on...... but thats moi! nice to see you, to see you nice! :)

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Well let me be the first to welcome you to TooTimid.

I am sure any question you have will be answered with very helpful information and advice. No question is ever silly so feel free to post what ever is on your mind. The more you post here the more you will find the "regulars" that are on this site.....also the more you post the more you become a "regular".

You will find many points of view here some agree others do not and that is what makes this site tick.....I myself have been on the disagreeing end of a topic or two while others didnt like what i had to say but that doesnt stop me from posting my views......so that being said feel free to speak your mind. ask any quesion you have. seek any advice you need, and remember the more YOU post the better the site becomes.

Have fun reading the topics and posting as well.

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HEllo and Welcome I am still a newbie here but let me tell you the information here and the help is wonderful. :D I am personally so glad I found this site and was very surprised at how helpful and how much information and tips and advice I have recieved already. Welcome again and dont be afraid to ask anything.

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Welcome to TooTimid!

We are always glad to have new members at TooTimid! :D Let me be the first moderator to welcome you! I am also one of the "regulars" on here - as you will see I do answer a lot of posts! I saw that you are interested in BDSM, I moderate the BDSM section of this forum - I know a lot about it, I worked in an S/M club for about a year! :ph34r: I am one of the product reviewers we have here, so if you want to know about a toy - ask me or click on the toy review link above, and read one of the honest reviews done by our reviewers.

Never be afraid to ask a question - Sexykitty is right, we do not always agree - but somewhere in the disagreement good information will come out!

So welcome and have fun!

Mikayla ;)

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