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Female Squirting...

Turd Ferguson

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Hello all,

This is kind of a weird question, but I have to ask because I have been contemplating this for a while now.

My beautiful sexy wife happens to be one of the lucky women who is able to squirt during orgasm. At first I was a little weirded out by it because I didn't really know much about it and always thought it was something you saw in porn, but not in "real life". Now it really turns me on to see her do that and I like the idea that she's so turned on by me.

So here's my question. When she gives me oral she will occassionally let me cum in her mouth. So I was thinking that I would like to reciprocate and let her do the same when I am giving her oral. However I am still concerned that I might not react well when it finally happens. Are there any men out there that are into this or have tried it and could give me some details? what it tastes like and or perhaps the overall experience? Success and or Horror stories.




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Second of all good question! My husband has been wondering the same thing!! Bring on the answers!

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As in, how does a female squirting cum taste vs. how her regular, non-squirted cum does?

I am aware that women become very wet from being aroused, but my question isn't really about what a woman tastes like. It's more specific to wondering what the experience of having a woman squirting on a man while he is performing oral on her feels like and tastes like.

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Doesn't anyone have an answer for Mr Ferguson here? LOL

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ok, first of all, these are all great questions. However, I think the only way to know your answers are to go for it...

My wife is also one of those lucky ones and this makes me one of the luckiest men in the world, having her squirt on me during orgasm is not only amazing but it is to me the most satisfying events of our sex life. I love it. I love to give her oral even more than i like to recieve it myself.

So here it goes, at first she might feel a bit uncomfortable letting you stay there during orgasm but if she does, be prepared for an amazing journey.

It will come quickly and can be very enjoyable. her love juice will hit you fast and KIND OF HARD , swallow what you can, while licking and sucking on her, don't stop. Keep going until she is finished with her orgasm ... trust me concentrate on her and her orgasms... do what you can to let her go first and your sex life will grow to a new level and with practice multiple orgasms will happen for both of you.

Remember she is not peeing on you .This is ejaculate and is very simular to what you give to her and is nothing to shy away from, oral sex like this can be very intimate and enjoyable. It may help you to have her tell you what it feels like to her when you cum in her mouth. I had my wife fill a (toddler medicine) syringe with water and squirt me in the mouth so i would have an idea what she felt. and the feeling is simular, but on your mouth, in the face, on your cheeks, everywhere.

Prepare to get wet and be amazed... I love it and hope you do too....

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Thank you very much for the reply. Very juicy details(no pun intended). She is already able to have multiple orgasms, so we're lucky in that way as well. However I have never experienced male multiple orgasms or even know if I am physically capable of doing it. I can't imagine it being any better than it already is for me. We're both very satisfied with the way things are, but it's always nice to kick it up a notch or two. One of these days I am going to go for it, and post the results.


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Hi Turd..... that just doesn't sound right. Well anyway , my wife also is one of those lucky squirters, but actually I count myself as the lucky one. Anton is right about it not being pee, it's wonderful sweet cum and I can't get enough of it. My wife Di squirted on me the very first time I ate her pussy, but it took here a long time before she became comfortable with it because she thought she was peeing on me. After reading numerous articles about female ejaculation she finally excepts the fact that she exploding cum into my mouth and just lets go during orgasm and I don't let up. Once she tenses up and I know she's going to cum I lick :P like crazy and open my mouth and drink it all in. So my suggestion is to just keep eating that pussy and enjoy the hot sweet cum shower. JJ & Di

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