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Trojan Magnum Ecstasy Condoms


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SAFE SEX! Nothing is MORE important that practicing safe sex, even if you’ve been with your BF/GF for a while, you should ALWAYS use condoms if you’re in the dating world (or even if you’re just living with someone). I’ve heard ALL of the excuses: “It doesn’t feel right. I can’t feel anything when I wear them. They take away from the experience. It’s not spontaneous. It kills the mood. I’m allergic. They don’t fit me right”.....the list goes on & on! Blah blah blah blah blah!!

Guys! What shows you care more than not only wanting to protect your significant other from any possible harm/unwanted pregnancies? It’s the responsible, loving, & mature thing to do!

Now, for you guys that are more on the “larger side”, have we found the condom for you! Trojan makes a line of condoms that are designed especially for the guys that say “normal condoms are just too tight”, to which my hubby happens to be one of them. I saw this particular item, and KNEW we had to try them. We are a BIG fan (pun intended) of Trojan Magnums. When I read “Feels like nothing’s there” in the description on this particular lovely, I knew we had to try it.

This particular condom has a lot going for it. It’s tapered at the base for a secure fit, textured near the base for extra stimulation, has a comfort shape that allows freedom of movement for a more natural experience (no reservoir tip to move around uncomfortably), & is coated with UltraSmooth Premium Lubricant inside & out for a more natural feel. Each condom is electronically tested to ensure reliability (which is always important), and they’re made from premium quality latex

We use condoms along with other things, as part of our birth control practicing, & anything I can do to help heighten his pleasure, I’m willing to try. So, gimme!!!

So, the other night, we have some fun, lots of oral, teasing, well, you get the idea...anyway, time for the “unwrapping”, & so, I roll the condom on. He gets inside me, & OMG!!! After a few thrusts, I had to check & see if the condom was still on, because it really DID feel like there was NOTHING on him!! I even said “OMG, it feels like nothing’s there!!”. Yes, I can hear all of the collective groans from the guys saying “oh no she didn’t”. Apparently, in the heat of the moment, saying “feels like nothing’s there!” is NOT something a man wants to hear. I got THE LOOK. Needless to say, I had to apologize, and re-word my exclamation! Laughing the whole time.

I had to check a few more times (strategically, of course), to ensure the condom was still on, and it stayed on like you’d expect a Trojan too. Hubby said that it really felt like nothing was there, and it was as best to the no-condom feel as he’s ever been with using one! For a guy to say that is HIGH praise in my opinion! Thank goodness this is a 10 pack!!

We give this a mutual 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up, and a Tyger Hubby seal of approval!

Love to wrap it, wrap it to love

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Guest eminatic

im curious to know if anyone who has tried this has experienced an abnormal amount of breaking? my friend used this a few times with different guys, and they broke every time (they did not come from the same box either)

several other friends of mine report the same thing :unsure:

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Well, there could be a few things going on with your friend.

I guess it would depend on a few things:

Is he getting the right size condom? Trojan Magnums also make an XL size for the really large guys (though not sure in the Ecstasy line).

One of the BIGGEST mistakes guys make is either putting condoms in the wallet, which you should NEVER do, since the heat and rubbing of his body heat compromises/weakens the latex. Or, they leave them in their car, just so they can be more accessable. Where this seems like a good idea, again, it's not. These are 2 of the 4 biggest mistakes men make.

Condoms need to be stored in a cool environment, but not cold, and not hot. Think of their storage as you would your medications. You want them to be stored properly, even though you want them on-hand, I suggest you go get a fresh box before you know you need them. Or store them IN YOUR HOUSE, grabbing a couple before you leave, put them in a jacket pocket, or your purse.

Does he OVER-roll them? He would know because they would be really tight, and have a lot of latex left at the base of his cock. If he over-rolls them, this wil also weaken the latex, and cause breaking.

If he uses lubes, with latex, he should be using water-based lubes. If a lover grabs a bottle of lube, he NEEDS to ask if it's water-based. Silicone lubes can be used with latex condoms usually, however, usually it's stated on the box, as to what kind of lube to use with the particular condoms you have, so, with them, I always like to be on the side of caution and use water-based only. What's the point of wearing a condom if you use things that are going to make it break?

The 3rd biggest mistake men make, is to reuse condoms. Don't laugh, it happens, quite frequently. After each time he cums, he needs to take the condom off, wait until he is fully erect again, and then unwrapping & using a new condom, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

The 4th mistake is not checking the expiration date of condoms. Don't ever assume that, if you just bought them at a store, that the expiration date hasn't arrived. Check the box for the expiration date. Most stores do a great job getting things off the shelves that have expired or are really close to doing so, but, mistakes are made, so make sure BEFORE you buy!

All of these things are actually listed ON THE INSIDE of the condom boxes, or the outside, or in a pamplet with the condoms. Just because a man has a cock, doesn't make him a condom expert, and I would suggest that you read the instructions, even if you've been using condoms for YEARS. Especially if you're using a new type/brand/line.

Only HE will know what he's done to cause the breakages. Most men won't admit that they didn't practice common safe sex sense, but I would suggest he read this particular posting, because this is a great question. He can hide the truth if asked, but, deep down, he will know. ;)

And, for the record, we have used Trojan Magnums for going on 5 yrs, and, though breakages sometimes do happen, we have NEVER had one break on us *knock on wood*.

Now, I just reread your post, and you said that he uses them with other men, so, he may want to look for a sturdier condom, because, most of the thinner condoms to say that they aren't designed for anal intercourse, and I do believe that this particular line does say that on the box. I threw the box away, so I can't look that up. I am researching it right now for you, and will post in the ANAL section of the forum with what I find.

With anal sex, even if a condom is lubricated, LUBE MUST ALWAYS BE USED when having anal sex. The anus doesn't self-lubricate when excited, so, the condom can, and will tear, if no lube, or too little lube is used.

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