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Not Sure What To Do...


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So, a little bit of background first off. My boyfriend and I have been dating for close to two years now and have gotten very comfortable around each other. We live together and have an AMAZING sex life, but I'm just a little curious about having sex when I'm on my period. We've done it maybe twice before, and I've found that I think it feels even better than usual. The problem is that I bleed really badly the first couple of day. No biggie there. We can stay off of each other for a couple of days, although rather reluctantly. My question is how can we go about having sex when I'm on my period without making a big, nasty mess, on my lighter days of course? He is completely fine with it, but I'm the one that seems to have the problem. It just makes me feel icky, and I'm scared to death that something is going to happen and he's going to be grossed out. That would most likely just shatter my confidence if he said "gross," after sex...

So, what is your advice?

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I used to do this a lot with my first husband. Just put an old towel--one that you don't care about--under you, and go for it. I agree with you--it does feel even better.

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From another Forum I frequent.

"Sea sponges work wonders. They are found in the bath soaps and what not at wal-mart (I'm sure other stores have them) but it costs about 3.00 and is reusable. I posted this awhile ago on a diff forum but I have no problems re-posting it here. :) I cut the sponge (which is about the size of a flat softball) into tampon sized strips. This gives me about 6-8 strips. So already that's 6-8months worth of tampons I don't have to buy, if i chose to use the sponge 24/7 for the full broken week. (think of the money saved there) Then when I'm broken and I'm ready to play. I run one of the strips under hot water to kill any bacteria that may be one the sponge. I wring it out really really good (you would be amazed how much these things can hold) Take my tampon out and insert the strip of sponge. I push it in as far as I can with out getting it to far in there (so no worries of it getting stuck, if it does get stuck if you push hard it should bring it up far enough for you to be able to reach it.) I take it out each time I go to the bathroom, as I would a tampon, rinse it out really well (which some people aren't comfortable enough to do), and re-insert it. You can use toys, fingers and, have sex like you normally would like you weren't even broken. When I'm done playing, I take it out for the night. I rinse the sponge out until the water runs clear, fill a small bowl with water throw the sponge in the water and throw it in my microwave for 30 seconds. At that point the water should be extremely hot so let it cool until you can take the sponge out of the water. Wring it out really good, and let it air dry for the night. At the end of my week I toss it. You can keep it longer than that but I don't find it ness. to do that. After all you still have 5-7 strips left."

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Guest eminatic

the Instead Softcup can be worn during sex, and according to most reviews, cannot be detected by the guy. LINK

i would use them all the time for my period, but i am too small and they always pop out (they only come in one size)

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My hubby is totally turned off by the whole process of my period time, however, I did have a couple of exes that just didn't care if I was on my period or not. So, we'd put down a towel beneath me, didn't change positions much, but, if I knew we were going to do it a night I was on my period, I'd also bring in a warm wet washcloth for him to wipe down, and then, he'd rinse it off, and wipe me down too. It was rather intimate, the whole thing.

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I used to do this a lot with my first husband. Just put an old towel--one that you don't care about--under you, and go for it. I agree with you--it does feel even better.


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the Instead Softcup can be worn during sex, and according to most reviews, cannot be detected by the guy. LINK

i would use them all the time for my period, but i am too small and they always pop out (they only come in one size)

the other problem with the cup is if you get too vigourous it can tip and spill and thats really gross

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My hubby is totally turned off by the whole process of my period time, however, I did have a couple of exes that just didn't care if I was on my period or not. So, we'd put down a towel beneath me, didn't change positions much, but, if I knew we were going to do it a night I was on my period, I'd also bring in a warm wet washcloth for him to wipe down, and then, he'd rinse it off, and wipe me down too. It was rather intimate, the whole thing.

That is very intimate! And very sweet. I'm not sure if my bf would be up for that. He's not too grossed out by it, but I don't think he's very fond of it either...

These are great suggestions. Thanks for helping out! I definitly keep a towel handy next time I'm on my period! :)

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I have never had sex while on my period. It just grosses me out for some reason! I completely "close the theme park" (according to my fiance: just because that ride is closed doesn't mean the log flume has to be!!!) lol. I just can not think of sex being sexy while I am bleeding from "down there". Also, I can count on one hand how many times I have allowed my SO to use the bathroom while I am in the bathroom or taking a shower, or be in the bathroom while I am using the bathroom. I just can't bring myself to see that, or let him see me doing that. When I have to hand him toilet paper through the door - I close my eyes!! LOL Those are pretty much the only "taboo" things in our relationship!

A friend of his told him that when his wife is on her period he puts saran wrap down on top of her poonani in order to eat her out!! I got so grossed out when he told me that.

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I have never had sex while on my period. It just grosses me out for some reason! I completely "close the theme park" (according to my fiance: just because that ride is closed doesn't mean the log flume has to be!!!) lol. I just can not think of sex being sexy while I am bleeding from "down there". Also, I can count on one hand how many times I have allowed my SO to use the bathroom while I am in the bathroom or taking a shower, or be in the bathroom while I am using the bathroom. I just can't bring myself to see that, or let him see me doing that. When I have to hand him toilet paper through the door - I close my eyes!! LOL Those are pretty much the only "taboo" things in our relationship!

A friend of his told him that when his wife is on her period he puts saran wrap down on top of her poonani in order to eat her out!! I got so grossed out when he told me that.

I don't think its wrong if you feel more comfortable keeping certain things private. There are no rules written for relationships you make them up for yourselves according to your style. I personally would never allow anyone in my bathroom when I had my period, I didn't think it was necessary on a lot of levels.

As for your having sex while menstruating you may not want to have sex on the first day when it's heavy but after a day or two..... you may even enjoy it more during that time. Try it once, then make your decision. What do you have to loose?

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I don't think its wrong if you feel more comfortable keeping certain things private. There are no rules written for relationships you make them up for yourselves according to your style. I personally would never allow anyone in my bathroom when I had my period, I didn't think it was necessary on a lot of levels.

As for your having sex while menstruating you may not want to have sex on the first day when it's heavy but after a day or two..... you may even enjoy it more during that time. Try it once, then make your decision. What do you have to loose?

After reading your post I asked Ron how he felt about having sex on my period, he said he didn't care as long as he wouldn't be able to smell it :blink:

Maybe next time, it would have to happen in the shower though... I am not one who can handle blood. I pretty much get disgusted and sick the whole time I am on my period!

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