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Used To Be..

I remember when we used to be so in love, you and me... Every waking moment, thinking of you. infatuated, thoughts of us two... I believed I would never, gaze upon another and feel the same fire, as with you, my sweet lover... Now after trial and test, betrayal and pain I wonder if I will ever, feel it again... My best friend, my partner, my everything, my heart now it is faded, all broken apart... I remember the longing, the desire, the need, counting the minutes until we could meet... I'




I'm the one you need When your heart is hurt You feel so alone put me on like a shirt You use me as comfort draining me dry Until I am empty and you're feeling high I can't be your medicine, I can't be your drug I can't just be stepped on and used like a rug You meant so much to me, I wish I could lie I can't be your medicine.. so this is goodbye... Your love was addicting I didn't want it to end I am going through withdrawals, yet, you want to keep me as your friend I don't want to lose



Partners In Life...

Happy noises arise from the foot of my bed Time for my baby boy to be fed Two sets of feet I hear on the floor 6:30am 2 little girls open the door Good Morning they squeal as they both jump in the bed He caresses my back and kisses my head He's making breakfast it takes a while Mickey Mouse pancakes always make them smile We're off to the park, it's a beautiful day Breezy and sunny as we watch them play Kissing boo boos and drying tears comforting, consoling and chasing away fears Laughing



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