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Retailer's Fantasy

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Inept Scam Artist

So we all know that there are intelligent people out there and there are most assuredly some very unintelligent people out there. This is a story about one of the latter. I had a customer try to do a return the other day. He was a nervous looking sort and that usually sets me right on alert. There's nothing to be nervous about with seeking a valid refund. That was my first tip that Mr. Inept wasn't exactly on the up and up. Mr. Inept wanted to get some money back for an item he said his mo



Customer Blackmail

Customers come in all shapes, sizes, and attitudes. I had an opportunity the other day to meet a gentleman(term loosely used) who I now call the Blackmailer. This is the type of customer who believes so fervently in the "Customer is Always Right" attitude that they believe that they can leverage it against you to get anything they want. Mr. Blackmailer came into the store the other day seeking out a lawnmower blade. Now, anyone in retail knows that stores are usually a couple of months ahead



Getting It With Vinegar

So, are you one of those customers who believes every store is out to get you? That every policy ever made was made to make your life miserable? That the only way to get what you want is to be a pain in the behind to the person behind the counter? In plain, are you a person who knows that the more belligerent you are and the more hard of a time you give to the people behind the counter, the better your chances are at getting what you want? Let me clue you in on something. I've had cust



The Wait

So, I've worked in a pharmacy setting for a decade and there is one question that always invariably comes up. "It's just putting pills in a bottle, why does it take so long?" This attitude is so very outdated. When our grandparents were children, this might well have been true. I'm sure that you could get in and out of your pharmacy within minutes. There were far fewer regulations that had to be followed, there was little or no insurance and it was all paper file, and the preferred medicati



The Lost Look

I work in retail. I love retail. One of the things that makes it fun is the challenges that happen during the course of any given day. Of course, being in retail one has to deal with a "customer is always right" attitude and you must work in a beaurocracy. These are my thoughts and what really goes through my mind in a given situation. It's a common practice nowadays to instruct your employees in the finer points of serving the customer. While this is a very good endeavor, I sometimes think th



The Exagerated Complaint

I work in retail. I love retail. One of the things that makes it fun is the challenges that happen during the course of any given day. Of course, being in retail one has to deal with a "customer is always right" attitude and you must work in a beaurocracy. These are my thoughts and what really goes through my mind in a given situation. What really happened... I had a customer complaint that I had to look into yesterday. Apparently we had a customer come in and look about the store and she



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